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Storing Data in a MongoDB Database

时间:2024-12-05 19:10:44浏览次数:10  
标签:function Storing const Database js course user model Data

Storing Data in a MongoDB Database

1 Introduction

There are two main categories of databases: relational databases and non-relational databases. Relational databasessuch as MySQL, SQL Server, and Postgre, store data in tables containing records of the same type, e.g., a table calledcourses would contain records representing all the courses, and a users table would contain all the users of anapplication. Records are represented as rows in the tables where each column stores data for attributes specific to thtype of the table, e.g., the rows in the courses table might have columns such as name, description, startDate, endDate,etc. Some of the columns might refer, or relate to other records in other tables such as the instructor column in thecourses table might refer to, or relate to a particular row in the users table signifying that that particular user is theinstructor of that particular course. Rows in one table relating to rows in another table is where relationaldatabases gettheir name. The structured query language or SQL, is a computer language commonly used to interact with relationaldatabases. The query in SQL generally means to ask for, or retrieve data that matches some criteria, often written as aboolean expression or predicate.More recently there has been a growing interest in representing and storing data using alternative strategies which have

collectively come to be referred to as non relational databases, or NoSQL databases. Non relational databases such asMongoDB, Firebase, and Couchbase, store their data in collections containing documents which are roughly analogous totables and records in their relational counterparts. The biggest difference though is that the columns, or fields in the rows

in relational databases generally can only contain primitive data types, e.g., simple strings, numbers, dates, and booleans,whereas the fields, or properties in nonrelational documents can be arbitrarily complex data types, e.g., strings, numbers,

booleans, dates as well as combinations of these in complex objects containing arrays of objects of arrays, etc. The other

big difference is that relational databases require the structure, or schema of the data to be explicitly described before

storing any data, whereas non relational databases do not require predefined schemas. Instead, non relational databases

delegate this responsibility to the applications using the database. The structure, or schema in relational databases is

where structured query language gets its name.

In the previous chapter we learned how to create an HTTP server with Node.js and integrated it with a React.js Web userinterface application to store the application state on the server. In this chapter we expand on this idea to store the data toMongoDB, a popular non relational database. The first section demonstrates how to download, install and use a local

instance of the MongoDB database. The next section covers how to use the Mongoose library to integrate and program a

MongoDB database with a Node.js server application. The final section describes how to deploy the database to Mongo

Atlas, a remote MongoDB database hosted as a cloud service.

The following figure illustrates the overall architecture of what we'll be building in this chapter. From right to left, we'll first

create a MongoDB database called kanbas where we'll create several collections such as users, courses, modules,

assignments, etc. We'll use the Mongoose library to connect to the database programmatically from a Node server. A

Mongoose schema will describe the structure of the collections in the MongoDB database and a Mongoose model will

implement generic CRUD operations. We'll create higher level functions in Data Access Objects (DAOs) that operate on the

database, and expose those operations through Express routes as RESTful Web APIs. A React Web app will integrate with

the RESTful API through a client that will allow the user interface to interact with the database.2 Working with a Local MongoDB Instance

MongoDB is one of an increasingly popular family of non relational databases. Data is stored in collections of documents

usually formatted as JSON objects which makes it very convenient to integrate with JavaScript based frameworks such

as Node.js and React.js. This section describes how to install, configure and get started using MongoDB.

2.1 Installing and Configuring MongoDB

To get started, download MongoDB for free selecting the latest version for your operating system, and click Download.

Run the installer and, if given the choice, choose to run the database as a service so that you don't have to bother having to

restart the database sever every time you login or restart your computer. The MongoDB database will automatically start

whenever you start your computer. On Windows, confirm the database is running by searching for MongoDB in the

Services dialog. On macOS, confirm the database is running by

clicking the MongoDB icon in the Systems Settings dialog. The

service dialog gives you controls to start and stop the database, but

it should already be configured to start automatically when you

restart your computer.

2.1.1 Installing MongoDB Manually (optional)

On macOS you can install MongoDB using brew by typing the following at the command line

brew install mongodb-atlas

atlas setup

Alternatively you can unzip the MongoDB server from the downloaded archive to a local file system and add the right

commands to your operating system PATH environment variable. On macOS, unzip the file into /usr/local which creates a

directory such as /usr/local/mongodb-macos-x86_64-5.0.3 (your version might differ). To be able to execute the database

related commands, add the path to the .bash_profile or .zshrc file located in your home directory. Add the following line in

the configuration file as shown below. Your actual version might differ.

~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc

export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/mongodb-macos-x86_64-5.0.3/bin"

If the .bash_profile or .zshrc file does not exist in your home directory, create it as a plain text file, but with no extensions

and a period in front of it. Configure it as shown above and then restart your computer.

On Windows, unzip the file into C:\Program Files. To configure environment variables on Windows press the Windows + R

key combination to open the Run prompt, type sysdm.cpl and press OK. In the System Properties window that appears,

press the Advanced tab and then the Environment Variables button. In the Environment Variables configuration window

select the Path variable and press the Edit button. Copy and paste the path of the bin directory in the mongodb directory

you unzipped the MongoDB download, e.g., "C:\Program Files\mongodb-macos-x86_64-5.0.3\bin". The actual path might

differ. Press OK and restart the computer.

2.1.2 Starting MongoDB from the Command Line

If you installed MongoDB as a service, it is already running in the background and can be configured and restarted in

Windows from the Services dialog or from the System Settings on macOS. Alternatively you can start the MongoDB server

from the command line using the mongod executable in the bin directory where you installed MongodDB. First you'll needto create a data folder where the server will store all its data. You can create a data folder in your home directory as shownbelow.cd ~ mkdir data When you start MongoDB, you'll need to tell it where the data folder is with the dbpath option. If you installed MongoDB on

Windows in C:\Program Files\mongodb-macos-x86_64-5.0.3, you can start MongoDB from your home directory as shown


cd ~

C:\Program Files\mongodb-macos-x86_64-5.0.3\bin\mongod --dbpath data

Make sure to include the dbpath data option to tell MongoDB where to find the data directoryIf you installed MongoDB on macOS in /usr/local/mongodb-macos-x86_64-6.0.5, you can start MongoDB from your home

directory as shown below.




--dbpath data

2.2 Using MongoDB Compass to Interact with MongoDB

Your installation should have installed MongoDB Compass, a user interface client to the MongoDB database. If not,MongoDB Compass can be downloaded fromMongoDB's download page. You can start Compass from your applications

folder, or search for it in your operating system's search feature. OnmacOS bring up Spotlight by pressing the magnifying glass on the topright menu bar, or press the Command () and Spacebar. Type

MongoDB Compass in the search bar and select the application fromthe result list. On Windows press the Window key to bring up the search

field, type MongoDB Compass, and select the application from theresult list. When Compass comes up, confirm that the connectionstring mongodb:// appears in the New Connectionscreen, and press Connect to connect to MongoDB.

2.3 Creating a MongoDB DatabaseOnce you are connected to a running MongoDB server, click on Databases on the left side bar and then click the Create database button on the Databases tab. In the Create Database dialog that appears, name your database kanbas and yourfirst collection as users. Click Create Database to create the kanbas database.2.4 Inserting and Retrieving Data with CompassIn MongoDB, data is organized into collections, which are analogous to tables in relational databases. Data contained in

collections are referred to as documents, which are analogous to records in relational databases. To create, or insert

documents into a collection in a MongoDB database using Compass, select the database on the left sidebar and then

select the collection you want to insert documents into. For instance, select the kanbas database and then the users

collection as shown below on the right. On the right side, selected Add Data and then Insert Document. In the Insert to

Collection kanbas.users dialog that appears, insert the document as shown below. Click Insert to insert the document.

Confirm the document inserted as expected.

You can also import entire JSON files containing data. Import the courses.json file we used in earlier assignments under

the Database directory of  代写Storing Data in a MongoDB Database your React project. To import click ADD DATA, then Import JSON or CSV file. Navigate to the

location of courses.json, select the file and click Import. Confirm the courses are imported. Also create the following

collections and import the JSON files linked to each of the collection names. Confirm all collections are imported:

modules.json, assignments.json, users.json

Note the objects stored in the database have a primary key _id automatically added by MongoDB when they were inserted.

MongoDB primary keys are of type ObjectId and are created automatically by the database so your _id values will differ

from the ones shown in this document.

2.5 Interacting with a MongoDB Database with the Command Line (optional)

Compass is a great graphical user interface to the MongoDB database, but there is also value to knowing how to interact

with the database through a command line interface. At the bottom of the Compass window there's a _MONGOSH window

you can expand to type commands to the database. Let's practice a few commands to retrieve data on the command line.

First select the database we want to interact with.

> use kanbas

switched to db kanbas

All the documents in a collection can be retrieved using the find() command on a collection as shown below.

> db.courses.find();

Documents in a collection can be retrieved by pattern matching their properties. The example below illustrates how to

retrieve documents by pattern matching their primary key _id, that is, retrieving the document whose _id field matches

ObjectId('6370104926906053f1597ce6'). Your ID will likely be different.

> db.courses.find({_id: ObjectId("654e8c73ea7ead465908d1cc")}){

_id: ObjectId("654e8c73ea7ead465908d1cc"),

name: 'Web Development',

number: 'CS4550',

startDate: '2023-01-10',

endDate: '2023-05-15',

department: 'K123',

credits: 4


We can also pattern match any of the other fields individually or combined with other fields. The following example

retrieves a document from the courses collection whose number property is equal to RS4560.

> db.courses.find({number: 'RS4560'})


_id: 'RS102',

name: 'Aerodynamics',

number: 'RS4560',

startDate: '2023-01-10',

endDate: '2023-05-15'


Here's another example retrieving courses in the D134 department.

> db.courses.find({department: 'D134'})

{ _id: 'CH101',

name: 'Organic Chemistry',

number: 'CH1230',

startDate: '2023-01-10',

endDate: '2023-05-15',

department: 'D134',

credits: 3


{ _id: 'CH102',

name: 'Inorganic Chemistry',

number: 'CH1240',

startDate: '2023-01-10',

endDate: '2023-05-15',

department: 'D134',

credits: 3


{ _id: 'CH103',

name: 'Physical Chemistry',

number: 'CH1250',

startDate: '2023-01-10',

endDate: '2023-05-15',

department: 'D134',

credits: 3


3 Programming with a MongoDB database

In the previous section we practiced interacting with the MongoDB database through the Compass graphical interface as

well as manually on the command line with MONGOSH. This is all and good to make occasional simple queries to confirm

the data behaves as expected, but to create applications we're going to need to interact with the database

programmatically with libraries such as Mongoose. The following sections describe how to install, configure, and connect

a Node.js application to a MongoDB database server using the Mongoose library. The final section discusses how to

configure the application to integrate to a MongoDB database hosted in the Atlas cloud service. Do all your work in a new

GitHub branch called a6 in both your React.js and Node.js projects.

3.1 Installing and Connecting to a MongoDB Database

The Mongoose library provides a set of operations and abstractions that enhance a MongoDB database and leverages the

familiarity of the MONGOSH command line client. To use the Mongoose library, install it from the root of the Node.js

project as shown below.

$ npm


mongooseTo connect to the database server programmatically, import the Mongoose library and then use the connect function as

shown below. The URL in the connect function is called the connection string and is currently referring to a MongoDB

server instance running in the localhost machine (your current laptop or desktop) listening at port 27017 and the kanbas

database existing in that server. In a later section we'll revisit the connection string and configure it to connect to a

database server running in a remote machine hosted by Mongo's Atlas cloud service.


import express from "express";

import mongoose from "mongoose";


const CONNECTION_STRING = "mongodb://"


const app = express();


// load the mongoose library

// connect to the kanbas database

3.2 Configuring Connection Strings as Environment Variables

Instead of hard coding the connection string in the source code, it's better to configure it as an environment variable and

then reference it from the code. This will come in handy when the server application is deployed to a remote service such

as Render or Heroku and the connection string can be configure to reference the online remote database running on Atlas

cloud servive. In a new .env file, declare the following connection string environment variable.



Install the dotenv library to read configurations in the local environment.

$ npm



Then in index.js, import the dotenv library to read the connection string as shown below.


import "dotenv/config";

import express from "express";

import mongoose from "mongoose";


const CONNECTION_STRING = process.env.MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING || "mongodb://"


const app = express();




app.listen(process.env.PORT || 4000);

3.3 Implementing Mongoose Schemas and Models

Now that we have the collections setup in our database, let's now discuss how to connect and interact with the collections

in the database using the Mongoose library. We'll create Mongoose Schemas and Models so that we can connect and

interact to the database programmatically.

As mentioned earlier, non relational database do not require specifying the structure, or schema of the data stored in

collections like relational databases do. That responsibility has been delegated to the applications using non relational

databases. Mongoose schemas describe the structure of the data being stored in the database and it's used to validate

the data being stored or modified through the Mongoose library. The schema shown below describes the structure for the

users collection imported earlier. Create the schema in a Users directory in your Node.js projects.Kanbas/Users/schema.js

import mongoose from "mongoose";

const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({

username: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },

password: { type: String, required: true },

firstName: String,

email: String,

lastName: String,

dob: Date,

role: {

type: String,

enum: ["STUDENT", "FACULTY", "ADMIN", "USER"],

default: "USER",


loginId: String,

section: String,

lastActivity: Date,

totalActivity: String,


{ collection: "users" }


export default userSchema;

// load the mongoose library

// create the schema

// String field that is required and unique

// String field that in required but not unique

// String fields

// with no additional

// configurations

// Date field with no configurations

// String field

// allowed string values

// default value if not provided

// store data in "users" collection

3.4 Implementing Mongoose Models

In earlier sections we demonstrated using the command line client to interact manually with the MongoDB server using

the find command. Mongoose models provide similar functionality to interact with MongoDB programmatically instead of

manually. The functions are similar to the ones found in the mongo shell client: find(), create(), updateOne(), removeOne(),

etc. In Users/model.js below, create a Mongoose model from the users schema. The functions provided by Mongoose

models are deliberately generic because they can interact with any collection configured in the schema. In the next

section we'll create a data access object that implements higher level functions specific to the domain of kanbas.


import mongoose from "mongoose";

import schema from "./schema.js";

const model = mongoose.model("UserModel", schema);

export default model;

// load mongoose library

// load users schema

// create mongoose model from the schema

// export so it can be used elsewhere

3.5 Retrieving data from Mongo with Mongoose

The Mongoose model created in the previous section provides low level functions such as find, create, updateOne, and

deleteOne, that are deliberately vague since they need to be able to operate on any collection. It is good practice to wrap

these low level generic functions into higher level functions that are specific to the use cases of the specific projects. For

instance instead of just using the generic find() function, we'd prefer something such as findUsers(), findUserById() or

findUserByUsername(). A previous assignment implemented a data access object using arrays declared in files. This

assignment refactors the DAOs so they use an actual database. The following Users/dao.js re-implements the CRUD

operations for the users collection written in terms of the low level Mongoose model operations.


import model from "./model.js";

import db from "../Database/index.js";

export const createUser = (user) => {} // implemented later

export const findAllUsers = () => model.find();

export const findUserById = (userId) => model.findById(userId);

export const findUserByUsername = (username) =>

model.findOne({ username: username });

export const findUserByCredentials = (username, password) =>

model.findOne({ username, password });

export const updateUser = (userId, user) =>

model.updateOne({ _id: userId }, { $set: user });

export const deleteUser = (userId) => model.deleteOne({ _id: userId });3.6 Implementing APIs to interact with MongoDB from a React client application

DAOs implement an interface between an application and the low level database access, providing a high level API to the

rest of the application hiding the details and idiosyncrasies of using a particular database vendor. Likewise routes

implement an interface between the HTTP network world and the JavaScript object and function world by converting a

stream of bits from a network connection request into a set of objects, maps, and function event handlers that participate

in the client/server architecture of a multi tiered application.

3.6.1 Refactoring Account Routes

Previous assignments implemented account routes such as signin and signup shown below. Since the DAO

implementations used data structures imported from the local file system, the operations were synchronous. Now that the

DAO is interacting with a database, the operations are asynchronous and must be tagged with the async/await keywords

as shown below. Confirm Signin, Signup, and Profile screens work as before. Following the examples below for the signin

and signup functions, add the async keyword to all other router functions and add the await keyword to all calls to dao



import * as dao from "./dao.js";

export default function UserRoutes(app) {

const signin = async (req, res) => {

const { username, password } = req.body;

const currentUser = await dao.findUserByCredentials(username, password);

if (currentUser) {

req.session["currentUser"] = currentUser;


} else {

res.status(401).json({ message: "Unable to login. Try again later." });



const signup = async (req, res) => {

const user = await dao.findUserByUsername(req.body.username);

if (user) {

res.status(400).json({ message: "Username already taken" });



const currentUser = await dao.createUser(req.body);

req.session["currentUser"] = currentUser;




app.post("/api/users/signin", signin);

app.post("/api/users/signup", signup);


3.6.2 Retrieving All Documents from MongoDB with Mongoose

DAOs implement high level data operations based on lower level Mongoose models. The Mongoose model find function

retrieves all documents from a collection. The findAllUsers function below uses find to retrieve all the users from the

users collection.


import model from "./model.js";

export const findAllUsers = () => model.find();

Routes implement RESTful Web APIs that user interface clients can use to interact with server functionality. The route

implemented below uses the findAll function implemented by the DAO to retrieve all the users from the database. The

route responds with the collection of users retrieved from the database. Confirm the route works by navigating to

http://localhost:4000/api/users with your browser.Kanbas/Users/routes.js

import * as dao from "./dao.js";

let currentUser = null;

export default function UserRoutes(app) {

const findAllUsers = async (req, res) => {

const users = await dao.findAllUsers();



app.get("/api/users", findAllUsers);



Meanwhile in the React user interface application, in src/Kanbas/Account/ client.ts, implement the findAllUsers function

shown below to send a GET request request to the server and await for the server's response containing an array of users

in the data property.


import axios from "axios";

const axiosWithCredentials = axios.create({ withCredentials: true });

export const REMOTE_SERVER = process.env.REACT_APP_REMOTE_SERVER;

export const USERS_API = `${REMOTE_SERVER}/api/users`;

export const findAllUsers = async () => {

const response = await axiosWithCredentials.get(USERS_API);

return response.data;



To display the array of users from the database, refactor the PeopleTable component to accept an optional users

parameter, instead of retrieving the users from the local file system. Remove any filters since it's best done at the server.


import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";

// import * as db from "../../Database";

// import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";

export default function PeopleTable({ users = [] }: { users?: any[] }) {

// const { cid } = useParams();

// const { users, enrollments } = db;

return (

<div id="wd-people-table">

<table className="table table-striped">




.filter((usr) => enrollments.some((enrollment) =>

enrollment.user === usr._id && enrollment.course === cid))

.map((user: any) => ( ... ))}




Create a new Users screen that fetches the users from the database and displays it with the PeopleTable component as

shown below.


import { useState, useEffect } from "react";

import { useParams } from "react-router";

import PeopleTable from "../Courses/People/Table";

import * as client from "./client";

export default function Users() {

const [users, setUsers] = useState<any[]>([]);

const { uid } = useParams();

const fetchUsers = async () => {

const users = await client.findAllUsers();setUsers(users);


useEffect(() => {


}, [uid]);

return (



<PeopleTable users={users} />



Add a new Users route to the Account screen as shown below.




<Route path="/" element={ <Navigate to={currentUser ? "/Kanbas/Account/Profile" : "/Kanbas/Account/Signin" } /> } />

<Route path="/Signin" element={<Signin />} />

<Route path="/Profile" element={<Profile />} />

<Route path="/Signup" element={<Signup />} />

<Route path="/Users" element={<Users />} />



Add a Users link to the Accounts Navigation sidebar that navigates to the Users screen only if the logged in user has an

ADMIN role. To test, use Compass to update the role of an existing user or create a new user with ADMIN role, signin as

the ADMIN user, and navigate to the Users screen. Confirm that all users are displayed.


import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

import { useSelector } from "react-redux";

export default function AccountNavigation() {

const { currentUser } = useSelector((state: any) => state.accountReducer);

const links = currentUser ? ["Profile"] : ["Signin", "Signup"];

const active = (path: string) => (pathname.includes(path) ? "active" : "");

const { pathname } = useLocation();

return (

<div id="wd-account-navigation" className="list-group">

{links.map((link) => (

<Link key={link} to={`/Kanbas/Account/${link}`} className={`list-group-item ${active(link)}`}> {link} </Link>


{currentUser && currentUser.role === "ADMIN" && (

<Link to={`/Kanbas/Account/Users`} className={`list-group-item ${active("Users")}`}> Users </Link> )}



Logged in as an ADMIN, navigate to the new Users screen and confirm it displays all the users as shown below.3.6.3 Retrieving Documents by Predicate from MongoDB with Mongoose

In the User's DAO, implement findUsersByRole that filters the users collection by the role property as shown below.

Mongoose model's find function takes as argument a JSON object used to pattern match documents in the collection.

The {role: role} object means that documents will be filtered by their role property that matches the value role.


export const findUsersByRole = (role) => model.find({ role: role }); // or just model.find({ role })

In the User routes, refactor the findAllUsers function so that it parses the role from the query string, and then uses the

DAO to retrieve users with that particular role.


const findAllUsers = async (req, res) => {

const { role } = req.query;

if (role) {

const users = await dao.findUsersByRole(role);




const users = await dao.findAllUsers();



In the React user interface application, add findUserByRole in the client so that it encodes the role in the query string of

the URL as shown below.


export const findUsersByRole = async (role: string) => {

const response = await


return response.data;


In the Users screen, add a dropdown that invokes a filterUsers event handler function with the selected role. The function

updates a role state variable and requests from the server the list of users filtered by their role. Confirm that selecting

various roles actually filters the users by their role.


export default function Users() {

const [users, setUsers] = useState<any[]>([]);

const [role, setRole] = useState("");

const filterUsersByRole = async (role: string) => {


if (role) {

const users = await client.findUsersByRole(role);


} else {




const fetchUsers = async () => { ... };

useEffect(() => { ... }, []);

return (



<select value={role} onChange={(e) =>filterUsersByRole(e.target.value)}

className="form-select float-start w-25 wd-select-role" >

<option value="">All Roles</option>

<option value="STUDENT">Students</option>

<option value="TA">Assistants</option> <option value="FACULTY">Faculty</option>

<option value="ADMIN">Administrators</option></select>




Now practice filtering users by their first or lastName by creating a regular expression used to pattern match the firstName

or lastName fields of the documents in the users collection.


export const findUsersByPartialName = (partialName) => {

const regex = new RegExp(partialName, "i"); // 'i' makes it case-insensitive

return model.find({

$or: [{ firstName: { $regex: regex } }, { lastName: { $regex: regex } }],



In the the User routes, parse a name parameter from the query string and use it to find users whose first or last names

partially match the name parameter.


const findAllUsers = async (req, res) => {

const { role, name } = req.query;

if (role) { ... }

if (name) {

const users = await dao.findUsersByPartialName(name);




const users = await dao.findAllUsers();



In the React client application, implement the findUserByPartialName client function as shown below which encodes a

name in the query string the server can use to filter users by their first and lastName.


export const findUsersByPartialName = async (name: string) => {

const response = await axios.get(`${USERS_API}?name=${name}`);

return response.data;


In the Users screen, create a new name state variable and corresponding input field used to invoke the

findUsersByPartialName client function and update the users state variable with a subset of users that match the name.

Confirm that typing a name in the input field actually filters the users by their first or last name. Note that the current

implementation does not consider a combination of filtering by role and by name. Feel free to explore how you would go

about filtering by both.


export default function Users() {

const [users, setUsers] = useState<any[]>([]);

const [role, setRole] = useState("");

const [name, setName] = useState("");

const filterUsersByName = async (name: string) => {


if (name) {

const users = await client.findUsersByPartialName(name);


} else {




return (



<input onChange={(e) => filterUsersByName(e.target.value)} placeholder="Search people"

className="form-control float-start w-25 me-2 wd-filter-by-name" />





3.6.4 Retrieving Documents by Primary Key from MongoDB with Mongoose

A common database operation is to retrieve documents by their primary key. The DAO function below retrieves a user

document by its primary key.


export const findUserById = (userId) => model.findById(userId);

Make the findUserById DAO function available as a RESTful Web API as shown below.


const findUserById = async (req, res) => {

const user = await dao.findUserById(req.params.userId);



app.get("/api/users/:userId", findUserById);

The user interface can then interact with the server using the findUserById client function shown below.


export const findUserById = async (id: string) => {

const response = await axios.get(`${USERS_API}/${id}`);

return response.data;


In a new PeopleDetails component, use the client's findUserById function to retrieve the user when a faculty clicks on the

user's name. Parse a uid path parameter and use it to retrieve the user by their ID when the component loads. If the uid

does not exist, return null so that the component does not render on the screen. In useEffect, add uid as a dependency so

that if the component re-renders if you click on another user while the component is still displaying.


import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

import { FaUserCircle } from "react-icons/fa";

import { IoCloseSharp } from "react-icons/io5";

import { useParams, useNavigate } from "react-router";

import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

import * as client from "../../Account/client";

export default function PeopleDetails() {

const { uid} = useParams();

const [user, setUser] = useState<any>({});

const navigate = useNavigate();

const fetchUser = async () => {

if (!uid) return;

const user = await client.findUserById(uid);



useEffect(() => {

if (uid) fetchUser();}, [uid]);

if (!uid) return null;

return (

<div className="wd-people-details position-fixed top-0 end-0 bottom-0 bg-white p-4 shadow w-25">

<button onClick={() => navigate(-1)} className="btn position-fixed end-0 top-0 wd-close-details">

<IoCloseSharp className="fs-1" /> </button>

<div className="text-center mt-2"> <FaUserCircle className="text-secondary me-2 fs-1" /> </div><hr />

<div className="text-danger fs-4 wd-name"> {user.firstName} {user.lastName} </div>


<span className="wd-roles">


</span> <br />

<b>Login ID:</b>

<span className="wd-login-id">


</span> <br />


<span className="wd-section">


</span> <br />

<b>Total Activity:</b>

<span className="wd-total-activity">{user.totalActivity}</span> </div> ); }

Add a close button rendered as an X at the top left that hides the component by navigating back to the Users screen as

shown above. Confirm that clicking on the the name of a user displays the user's details. Also confirm that closing the

PeopleDetails hides the component.



import * as client from "../../Account/client";

import PeopleDetails from "./Details";

export default function PeopleTable() {


return (

<div id="wd-people-table">

<PeopleDetails />



.map((user) => (

<tr key={user._id}>

<td className="wd-full-name text-nowrap">

<Link to={`/Kanbas/Account/Users/${user._id}`} className="text-decoration-none">

<FaUserCircle className="me-2 fs-1 text-secondary" />

<span className="wd-first-name">{user.firstName}</span>{" "}

<span className="wd-last-name">{user.lastName}</span>









In the Account screen, add a Route that encodes the uid path parameter in the URL that renders the same Users screen.




<Route path="/" element={ <Navigate to={currentUser ? "/Kanbas/Account/Profile" : "/Kanbas/Account/Signin" } /> } />

<Route path="/Signin" element={<Signin />} />

<Route path="/Profile" element={<Profile />} />

<Route path="/Signup" element={<Signup />} />

<Route path="/Users" element={<Users />} />

<Route path="/Users/:uid" element={<Users />} />



3.6.5 Deleting a Document in MongoDB with Mongoose

To delete user documents from the users MongoDB collection, implement the deleteUser operation as shown below. The

DAO function below removes a single user document from the database based on its primary key.

Kanbas/Users/dao.jsexport const deleteUser = (userId) => model.deleteOne({ _id: userId });

The route below makes the deleteUser operation available as a RESTful Web API for integration with the user interface

which encodes the id of the user to remove as a path parameter.


const deleteUser = async (req, res) => {

const status = await dao.deleteUser(req.params.userId);



app.delete("/api/users/:userId", deleteUser);

In the React Web App, implement client function that integrates with the deleteUser route in the server.


export const deleteUser = async (userId: string) => {

const response = await axios.delete( `${USERS_API}/${userId}` );

return response.data;



In the PeopleDetails component add buttons Cancel and Delete as shown below. The Delete button invokes a new

deleteUser event handler function with uid, the ID of the user to delete. Pass a reference to fetchUsers as a parameter so

that PeopleDetails can notify PeopleTable that a user has been remove and

that the list of users must be updated.



import { useNavigate, useParams } from "react-router";

export default function PeopleDetails() {

const navigate = useNavigate();

const deleteUser = async (uid: string) => {

await client.deleteUser(uid);




return (

<div className="...">


<hr />

<button onClick={() => deleteUser(uid)} className="btn btn-danger float-end wd-delete" > Delete </button>

<button onClick={() => navigate(-1)}

className="btn btn-secondary float-start float-end me-2 wd-cancel" > Cancel </button>



Use the client's deleteUser to remove the user, and navigate back to hide the details component. The Cancel button just

hides the details without removing any documents. Confirm that clicking the Cancel and Delete buttons actually work.

3.6.6 Updating a Document in MongoDB with Mongoose

The Mongoose update function updates documents in MongoDB databases. In the User's DAO, implement updateUser as

shown below to update a single document by first identifying it by its primary key, and then updating the matching fields in

the user parameter.


import model from "./model.js";

export const updateUser = (userId, user) => model.updateOne({ _id: userId }, { $set: user });...

In the User's routes, make the DAO function available as a RESTful Web API as shown below. Map a route that accepts a

user's primary key as a path parameter, passes the ID and request body to the DAO function and responds with the status.


export default function UserRoutes(app) {


const updateUser = async (req, res) => {

const { userId } = req.params;

const userUpdates = req.body;

await dao.updateUser(userId, userUpdates);

const currentUser = req.session["currentUser"];

if (currentUser && currentUser._id === userId) {

req.session["currentUser"] = { ...currentUser, ...userUpdates };




app.put("/api/users/:userId", updateUser);



In the React client application, the client function updateUser sends user updates to the server to be saved to the




export const updateUser = async (user: any) => {

const response = await axiosWithCredentials.put(`${USERS_API}/${user._id}`, user);

return response.data;



In the PeopleDetails component, add a name state variable to edit the first and last name of the user. Also add a editing

state variable to toggle the input field that edits the name. With the navigate routing function, navigate back to

PeopleTable once the update is done. Create a new saveUser function that splits the name state variable into the

firstName and lastName and sends an updated version of the user to the server. Also update the local user state variable,

turn off editing, and navigate back to the PeopleTable.



import { FaPencil } from "react-icons/fa6";

import { FaCheck, FaUserCircle } from "react-icons/fa";

export default function PeopleDetails() {


const [name, setName] = useState("");

const [editing, setEditing] = useState(false);

const saveUser = async () => {

const [firstName, lastName] = name.split(" ");

const updatedUser = { ...user, firstName, lastName };

await client.updateUser(updatedUser);






return (


<div className="text-danger fs-4">

{!editing && (

<FaPencil onClick={() => setEditing(true)}

className="float-end fs-5 mt-2 wd-edit" /> )}

{editing && (

// to edit the user's first and last name

// whether we are editing or not

// to save updates to user's name

// split the name into an array and get first

// and last and create new version of user overriding

// first and last. Send update to server

// update local copy of the user

// we're done editing

// go back to PeopleTable

// if not editing show pencil icon

// clicking pencil turns on editing and hides pencil<FaCheck onClick={() => saveUser()}

className="float-end fs-5 mt-2 me-2 wd-save" /> )}

{!editing && (

<div className="wd-name"

onClick={() => setEditing(true)}>

{user.firstName} {user.lastName}</div>)}

{user && editing && (

<input className="form-control w-50 wd-edit-name"

defaultValue={`${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`}

onChange={(e) => setName(e.target.value)}

onKeyDown={(e) => {

if (e.key === "Enter") { saveUser(); }}}/>)}




// if editing show check mark. Clicking check turns

// off editing, saves and hides check

// if not editing show first and last name

// clicking on name turns on editing

// if editing show input field to edit name

// name is initially concatenation of first and last

// update name as we type

// save the user if Enter key is pressed

Add pencil and check icons to turn editing on and off. Hide each icon based on the editing boolean state variable. Clicking

the name of the user also turns editing on. If editing is on, hide the user's name and instead display an input field that

shows the current user's firstName and lastName and edits the name state variable. Pressing the Enter key saves the

updated user's details. Confirm users can be edited. On your own, add the ability to edit a user's email and role. Use an

input field of type email to edit the email. To edit the user's role, use a dropdown similar to the one used to filter users by

their role.

3.6.7 Creating New Documents in MongoDB with Mongoose

In the User's DAO, implement the createUser function as shown below to insert a new user object into the users collection.


export const createUser = (user) => {

delete user._id

return model.create(user);


// remove _id field just in case client sends it

// database will create _id for us instead

Make sure the incoming user object does not have an _id property since it can interfere with the database insert operation.

In the User's routes, make the DAO operation available as a RESTful Web API for the user interface to interact with. The

new user is posted to the route in the request's body. The DAO createUser function inserts the new user into the database

and returns the newly inserted user which is sent back to the user interface in the response.


import * as dao from "./dao.js";

let currentUser = null;

export default function UserRoutes(app) {


const createUser = async (req, res) => {

const user = await dao.createUser(req.body);



app.post("/api/users", createUser);



In the React client application, implement a createUser client function to interact with the route created above. Post the

new user object to the server as shown below.


export const createUser = async (user: any) => {

const response = await axios.post(`${USERS_API}`, user);

return response.data;

};In the Users screen, implement a new createUser event handler that sends a new user object to be inserted in the

database. Use default values for the fields as shown and confirm that clicking the new + People button actually creates

the new user. Optionally implement editing those fields in the PeopleDetails component.


export default function Users() {

const { uid } = useParams();

const [users, setUsers] = useState<any[]>([]);

const [role, setRole] = useState("");

const [name, setName] = useState("");

const createUser = async () => {

const user = await client.createUser({

firstName: "New",

lastName: `User${users.length + 1}`,

username: `newuser${Date.now()}`,

password: "password123",

email: `email${users.length + 1}@neu.edu`,

section: "S101",

role: "STUDENT",


setUsers([...users, user]);


return (


<button onClick={createUser} className="float-end btn btn-danger wd-add-people">

<FaPlus className="me-2" />






4 Integrating with MongoDB Hosted in Atlas Cloud Service

When you run your server on your development environment, it should be

connecting to a MongoDB instance running on the same local development

computer. When you deploy the server on a remote server such as Render, Heroku

or AWS, the server needs to connect to a database that is also hosted on a public

site. MongoDB Atlas Cloud Service provides a hosted database service where a

MongoDB instances run on public servers, and they provide a connection string to

integrate our Node.js application. This section describes setting up and deploying

the database online and then integrating with it from our Node.js server running

on Heroku.

4.1 Setting up MongoDB Atlas

To get started, head over to https://www.mongodb.com/ and click on Sign in at the top

right corner. Login with your Google account or click on Sign Up to create an account

with an email and password. If you get a validation email, confirm it and login. Answer

any general questions if asked during the sign up process. In the Deploy your cluster

screen choose a Free plan for now which should be enough for this course. Name your

cluster Kanbas. In the Provider section, choose any of the cloud providers and in the

Region section choose a region close to your geographic area, for instance AWS and

North Virginia, and then click Create Deployment. In the Connect to Kabas screen, in

the Create a database user section create credentials to login to your database. In the

Username and Password fields, type credentials you'll remember later since these are

the credentials mongoose will use to login to the database from your Node.js server

application when running on Render or Heroku. If you forget these credentials you'llneed to create new ones later. I went with giuseppi and supersecretpassword :) and clicked Create Database User.

4.1.1 Connecting to a Remote Database from Compass

Then click the Choose a connection method button, and in the Access your data through tools, select Compass. In the

Connecting with MongoDB Compass screen, in the Copy the connection string, then open MongoDB Compass section,

copy the connection string which should look something like so


Click Done. From Compass select Connect, New Window, paste the connection string in the URI field, and then click

connect. Following the same steps used earlier, import the courses, modules, and users into the remote database.

4.1.2 Connecting from Node.js

In the Atlas main window click on Network Access and in the Network Access

screen IP Access List tab, select + ADD IP ADDRESS. In the Add IP Access List

Entry dialog click on ALLOW ACCESS FROM ANYWHERE. This will add to

the Access List Entry, allowing any computer to connect. Click Confirm and verify

the new entry appears in the Network Access screen. Click Database on the left

and in the Clusters screen, click Connect. In the Connect to Kanbas dialog, in the

Connect to your application, select Drivers and version section, confirm the Driver

is set to Node.js and Version is set to 5.5 or later. In the Add your connection

string into your application code section, copy the the URL. It should look similar to the following.

Node MongoDB Database Connection String


Commit and push your code to a branch called a6 and

deploy the server application to a new remote service

running on Render, Heroku, or AWS. Make sure not to

deploy to the server for prior assignments since TAs might

still be grading it. In the new remote server, configure an





_STRING with the URL value above. For instance, in the







MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING in the Key field and the

URL in the Value field. Replace the <password> with the actual password created in an earlier step. Commit and deploy the

React application to a new a6 branch. Configure the REACT_APP_REMOTE_SERVER to point to the new remote server. For

the environment variables to take effect, you might need to redeploy and/or restart the remote Node server on Render as

well as the remote React application server on Netlify.

4.2 Configuring Session in Remote Servers

The local Node server was configured to support multiple

sessions. Similarly, the remote server also needs to be

configured to support sessions. In Render.com, navigate to

the Environment section of the application dashboard. Click

Add Environment Variable, type the name of the variables in

the Key column and the variable's value in the Value column.

Repeat for each of the environment variables as shown hereon the right. You will need to restart the remote server by clicking Manual Deploy and then Deploy latest commit. Below is

an example of the environment variables used to configure a remote server running on Render.com. Use the same

Environment Variable keys shown on the left column below. Don't use the values shown on the right column below.

Instead use the values for your Mongo Database, your Netlify remote server, and your remote Node server.

Environment Variable












what ever

5 Implementing the Kanbas MongoDB

For the last several assignments we have been implementing the Kanbas application rendering various courses, modules

and assignments. We used JSON files to represent the data for the application, and wrapped the data structures into a

"Database" that first lived in the React application and then in the Node server. It is time for the data to live where it

belongs. In this section, on your own, migrate the courses and modules into corresponding collections in the kanbas

MongoDB database. Create the Mongoose schemas, models and DAOs, and refactor the RESTful Web APIs to CRUD

courses and modules in the database. Confirm that all courses and modules CRUD functionality works as expected.

Optionally also migrate the assignments into a collection and confirm that all assignment CRUD operations work. Note

that the modules course field might be referencing an ID of a course that does not exist. Update the module course fields

so that they refer to the correct course document.

5.1 Persisting Courses in the Database

The current server application implements RESTful Web APIs to access courses stored in a file courses.js. This section

replaces the source of the courses in a MongoDB courses collection. The basic operations on any data source are create,

read, update and delete, colloquially referred to as CRUD operations. The following sections demonstrate how to

implement several CRUD operations.

5.1.1 Retrieving Courses from a Database

To access the courses collection created earlier, create a mongoose schema file as shown below. The schema file

describes the constraints of the documents stored in a collection, such as the names of the properties, their data types,

and the name of the collection where the documents will be stored.


import mongoose from "mongoose";

const courseSchema = new mongoose.Schema(


name: String,

number: String,

credits: Number,

description: String,


{ collection: "courses" }


export default courseSchema;Using the mongoose schema file, create a mongoose model file as shown below. Mongoose models provide functions to

interact with the collection such as find(), create(), updateOne(), and deleteOne(). The CourseModel in the mongoose

model declares a unique name that can be used as a reference from other mongoose schemas.


import mongoose from "mongoose";

import schema from "./schema.js";

const model = mongoose.model("CourseModel", schema);

export default model;

Using the mongoose model, create a DAO file that implements various CRUD operations to interact with the courses

collection. Start by refactoring the findAllCourses() function to retrieve all the courses from the database instead of the

Database file as shown below. The model.find() function returns an array containing all the courses documents in the

courses collection.


// import Database from "../Database/index.js";

import model from "./model.js";

export function findAllCourses() {


return Database.courses;

return model.find();



The functions in mongoose models all return promises allowing asynchronous communication with the MongoDB server.

In the Courses routes file, declare all router functions as asynchronous by adding the async keyword in front of the router

functions as shown below. Also add the await keyword in front of all asynchronous calls of the DAO functions such as

dao.findAllCourses() as shown below.


import * as dao from "./dao.js";

export default function CourseRoutes(app) {

app.get("/api/courses", async (req, res) => {

const courses = await dao.findAllCourses();





In the React.js project, refactor the fetchAllCourses client function so that it uses a version of axios that includes cookies

in the request, as shown below.


import axios from "axios";

const axiosWithCredentials = axios.create({ withCredentials: true });


const COURSES_API = `${REMOTE_SERVER}/api/courses`;

export const fetchAllCourses = async () => {

const { data } = await axiosWithCredentials.get(COURSES_API);

return data;


In the Kanbas root component, import course client and refactor the fetchCourse function to fetch all the courses, as

shown below.src/Kanbas/index.tsx

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

import * as courseClient from "./Courses/client";

export default function Kanbas() {

const { currentUser } = useSelector((state: any) => state.accountReducer);

const [courses, setCourses] = useState<any[]>([]);

const fetchCourses = async () => {

try {

const courses = await courseClient.fetchAllCourses();


} catch (error) {




useEffect(() => {


}, [currentUser]);

return ( ... );


In the Dashboard screen, remove the filter since filtering is best implemented on the server. Start the database, server, and

client application, sign in on the React application, and navigate to the Dashboard screen. Confirm that all courses are



export default function Dashboard({ ... }) {

return (

<div id="wd-dashboard">

<h1 id="wd-dashboard-title">Dashboard</h1> <hr />

<div id="wd-dashboard-courses" className="row">

<div className="row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-5 g-4">



=> ( ... ))

.map((course) => ( ... ))}




5.1.2 Inserting Courses into a Database

Refactor the DAO's createCourse() function to insert new courses into the database with the mongoose model as shown



import model from "./model.js";

export function createCourse(course) {

delete course._id;

return model.create(course);

// const newCourse = { ...course, _id: Date.now().toString() };

// Database.courses = [...Database.courses, newCourse];

// return newCourse;



Refactor the Courses routes file by adding keywords async and await before the route and DAO functions as shown below.


import * as dao from "./dao.js";

export default function CourseRoutes(app) {

app.post("/api/courses", async (req, res) => {

const course = await dao.createCourse(req.body);




In the React.js Courses client file, refactor the createCourse client function so that it uses the axios instance with

credentials as showns below.


import axios from "axios";

const axiosWithCredentials = axios.create({ withCredentials: true });


const COURSES_API = `${REMOTE_SERVER}/api/courses`;

export const createCourse = async (course: any) => {

const { data } = await axiosWithCredentials.post(COURSES_API, course);

return data;


Refactor the Kanbas root component so that it uses the createCourse client function in the Course client file as shown

below. Confirm that new courses are inserted in the courses collection in the database.


import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

import * as courseClient from "./Courses/client";

export default function Kanbas() {

const { currentUser } = useSelector((state: any) => state.accountReducer);

const [course, setCourse] = useState<any>({ ... });

const addNewCourse = async () => {

// const newCourse = await userClient.createCourse(course);

const newCourse = await courseClient.createCourse(course);

setCourses([...courses, newCourse]);



return ( ... );


5.1.3 Deleting Courses from the Database

Refactor the deleteCourse() DAO function to delete courses from the database by using the courses model as shown



export function deleteCourse(courseId) {

return model.deleteOne({ _id: courseId });



In the Courses routes file, refactor the route that deletes courses by adding keywords async and await in front of the route

and DAO functions as shown below.


import * as dao from "./dao.js";

export default function CourseRoutes(app) {

app.delete("/api/courses/:courseId", async (req, res) => {

const { courseId } = req.params;

const status = await dao.deleteCourse(courseId);




}In the React.js application, refactor the deleteCourse() client function so that it uses the axios instance with credentials.


import axios from "axios";

const axiosWithCredentials = axios.create({ withCredentials: true });


const COURSES_API = `${REMOTE_SERVER}/api/courses`;

export const deleteCourse = async (id: string) => {

const { data } = await axiosWithCredentials.delete(`${COURSES_API}/${id}`);

return data;



Refactor the Kanbas root component by adding keywords async and await in front of the deleteCourse event handler

function and Course client function as shown below. Confirm that courses are removed from the courses collection.


import { useSelector } from "react-redux";

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

import * as courseClient from "./Courses/client";

export default function Kanbas() {

const { currentUser } = useSelector((state: any) => state.accountReducer);

const [courses, setCourses] = useState<any[]>([]);

const deleteCourse = async (courseId: string) => {

const status = await courseClient.deleteCourse(courseId);

setCourses(courses.filter((course) => course._id !== courseId));



5.1.4 Updating Courses in the Database

In the Courses DAO, refactor the updateCourses function to update courses in the database with the model.updateOne()

function as shown below.


import model from "./model.js";

export function updateCourse(courseId, courseUpdates) {

return model.updateOne({ _id: courseId }, { $set: courseUpdates });

// const { courses } = Database;

// const course = courses.find((course) => course._id === courseId);

// Object.assign(course, courseUpdates);

// return course;


In the Courses routes, refactor the routing function by adding async and await keywords before the routing and DAO

function calls as shown below.


import * as dao from "./dao.js";

export default function CourseRoutes(app) {

app.put("/api/courses/:courseId", async (req, res) => {

const { courseId } = req.params;

const courseUpdates = req.body;

const status = await dao.updateCourse(courseId, courseUpdates);




}In the Courses client file, refactor the client function to use axios with credentials as shown below. Confirm that updating

the title of a course is persisted in the database.


import axios from "axios";

const axiosWithCredentials = axios.create({ withCredentials: true });


const COURSES_API = `${REMOTE_SERVER}/api/courses`;

export const updateCourse = async (course: any) => {

const { data } = await axiosWithCredentials.put(`${COURSES_API}/${course._id}`, course);

return data;


5.2 Persisting Modules in a Database as One to Many Relations with Courses

In Kanbas, each course contains several modules, establishing a one to many relationship. The relationship is

implemented by each module having a field that refers to the course they below to. This section demonstrates how to use

Mongoose to implement one to many relationships.

5.2.1 Declaring One to Many Relationships

In Mongoose, relationships are implemented by declaring fields of type ObjectId and providing the name of the model that

is related to. To demonstrate, create the schema file below that describes the data structure of module documents stored

in a collection called modules. The course field is declared as type mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId to store a primary

key value. The ref property set to the value CourseModel is the same value as the name of the courses model stored in the

courses collection, declared in an earlier section. The ref property establishes that the primary key stored in course refers

to a document stored in the courses collection, effectively implementing a one to many relation.


import mongoose from "mongoose";

const schema = new mongoose.Schema(


name: String,

description: String,

course: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "CourseModel" },


{ collection: "modules" }


export default schema;

In a Modules model file implement a mongoose model to interact with the module collection in the database. The model

implements various functions to implement CRUD operations such as find(), create(), deleteOne(), updateOne().


import mongoose from "mongoose";

import schema from "./schema.js";

const model = mongoose.model("ModuleModel", schema);

export default model;

5.2.2 Creating Modules for a Course

Refactor the Modules DAO so that it uses the mongoose model to insert a new module into the database as shown below.


import Database from "../Database/index.js";import model from "./model.js";

export function createModule(module) {

delete module._id

return model.create(module);

// const newModule = { ...module, _id: Date.now().toString() };

// Database.modules = [...Database.modules, newModule];

// return newModule;


In the Courses routes, refactor the routing function by adding async and await keywords before the routing and DAO

function calls as shown below.


import * as modulesDao from "../Modules/dao.js";

import * as dao from "./dao.js";

export default function CourseRoutes(app) {

app.post("/api/courses/:courseId/modules", async (req, res) => {

const { courseId } = req.params;

const module = {


course: courseId,


const newModule = await modulesDao.createModule(module);





In the Courses client file, refactor the client function to use axios with credentials as shown below. Confirm that new

modules are created in the database and that the course field is set to the primary key of the parent course.


import axios from "axios";

const axiosWithCredentials = axios.create({ withCredentials: true });


const COURSES_API = `${REMOTE_SERVER}/api/courses`;

export const createModuleForCourse = async (courseId: string, module: any) => {

const response = await axiosWithCredentials.post(




return response.data;


5.2.3 Retrieving Modules for a Course

Refactor the Modules DAO so that it uses the mongoose model to retrieve modules for a course from the database as

shown below.


import model from "./model.js";

export function findModulesForCourse(courseId) {

return model.find({ course: courseId });

// const { modules } = Database;

// return modules.filter((module) => module.course === courseId);


In the Courses routes, refactor the routing function by adding async and await keywords before the routing and DAO

function calls as shown below.

Kanbas/Courses/routes.jsimport * as modulesDao from "../Modules/dao.js";

import * as dao from "./dao.js";

export default function CourseRoutes(app) {

app.get("/api/courses/:courseId/modules", async (req, res) => {

const { courseId } = req.params;

const modules = await modulesDao.findModulesForCourse(courseId);





In the Courses client file, refactor the client function to use axios with credentials as shown below. Confirm that modules

are retrieved and displayed from the database for the correct course.


import axios from "axios";

const axiosWithCredentials = axios.create({ withCredentials: true });


const COURSES_API = `${REMOTE_SERVER}/api/courses`;

export const findModulesForCourse = async (courseId: string) => {

const response = await axiosWithCredentials.get(`${COURSES_API}/${courseId}/modules`);

return response.data;


5.2.4 Deleting Modules

Refactor the Modules DAO so that it uses the mongoose model to delete modules from the database as shown below.


import model from "./model.js";

export function deleteModule(moduleId) {

return model.deleteOne({ _id: moduleId });

// const { modules } = Database;

// Database.modules = modules.filter((module) => module._id !== moduleId);


In the Modules routes, refactor the routing function by adding async and await keywords before the routing and DAO

function calls as shown below.


import * as modulesDao from "./dao.js";

export default function ModuleRoutes(app) {

app.delete("/api/modules/:moduleId", async (req, res) => {

const { moduleId } = req.params;

const status = await modulesDao.deleteModule(moduleId);




In the Modules client file, refactor the client function to use axios with credentials as shown below. Confirm that modules

are removed from the database.


import axios from "axios";

const axiosWithCredentials = axios.create({ withCredentials: true });


const MODULES_API = `${REMOTE_SERVER}/api/modules`;

export const deleteModule = async (moduleId) => {

const response = await axiosWithCredentials.delete(


return response.data;


5.2.5 Updating Modules

Refactor the Modules DAO so that it uses the mongoose model to update modules in the database as shown below.


import model from "./model.js";

export function updateModule(moduleId, moduleUpdates) {

return model.updateOne({ _id: moduleId }, moduleUpdates);

// const { modules } = Database;

// const module = modules.find((module) => module._id === moduleId);

// Object.assign(module, moduleUpdates);

// return module;


In the Modules routes, refactor the routing function by adding async and await keywords before the routing and DAO

function calls as shown below.


import * as modulesDao from "./dao.js";

export default function ModuleRoutes(app) {


app.put("/api/modules/:moduleId", async (req, res) => {

const { moduleId } = req.params;

const moduleUpdates = req.body;

const status = await modulesDao.updateModule(moduleId, moduleUpdates);




In the Modules client file, refactor the client function to use axios with credentials as shown below. Confirm that modules

are updated in the database.


import axios from "axios";

const axiosWithCredentials = axios.create({ withCredentials: true });


const MODULES_API = `${REMOTE_SERVER}/api/modules`;


export const updateModule = async (module: any) => {

const { data } = await axiosWithCredentials.put(




return data;


5.3 Persisting Enrollments in a Database as Many to Many Relations

In Kanbas, a user can be enrolled in several courses, and a course can have many enrollments. An enrollment establishes

a relationship between a user and a course. Since there can be many enrollments where many users can be enrolled (or

associated) in many courses, the enrollments relation is referred to as a many to many relation.5.3.1 Declaring Enrollments as a Many to Many Relationship

The Courses model below, implemented earlier, declares CourseModel as the name of the model for course documents

stored in the courses collection. This name can be used to establish relationships between models and collections.


import mongoose from "mongoose";

import schema from "./schema.js";

const model = mongoose.model("CourseModel", schema);

export default model;

Similarly the Users model below declares the name of the model as UserModel for user documents stored in the users



import mongoose from "mongoose";

import schema from "./schema.js";

const model = mongoose.model("UserModel", schema);

export default model;

// load mongoose library

// load users schema

// create mongoose model from the schema

// export so it can be used elsewhere

In a new schema file shown below, implement a many to many Enrollments relationship that relates user and course

documents stored in the users and courses collections, referred to by their model names CourseModel and UserModel



import mongoose from "mongoose";

const enrollmentSchema = new mongoose.Schema(


course: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "CourseModel" },


{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "UserModel"


grade: Number,

letterGrade: String,

enrollmentDate: Date,

status: {

type: String,


default: "ENROLLED",



{ collection: "enrollments" }


export default enrollmentSchema;

Create an Enrollments model file as shown below, to CRUD enrollment documents in an enrollments collection.


import mongoose from "mongoose";

import schema from "./schema.js";

const model = mongoose.model("EnrollmentModel", schema);

export default model;

Create an Enrollments DAO file that implements operations that create enrollments, deletes enrollments, and filters

enrollments by either a course or user. The following sections describe each of the operations in detail.


import model from "./model.js";

export async function findCoursesForUser(userId) {const enrollments = await model.find({ user: userId }).populate("course");

return enrollments.map((enrollment) => enrollment.course);


export async function findUsersForCourse(courseId) {

const enrollments = await model.find({ course: courseId }).populate("user");

return enrollments.map((enrollment) => enrollment.user);


export function enrollUserInCourse(user, course) {

return model.create({ user, course });


export function unenrollUserFromCourse(user, course) {

return model.deleteOne({ user, course });


5.3.2 Retrieving Courses for Enrolled Users

Enrollments establish a many to many relationship between users and courses. A common operation consists of finding

which documents in one collection are related to documents in the other collection. For instance, given a particular user

we would like to determine which courses are related to that user, e.g., which courses is a user enrolled in. The

findCoursesForUser() function below retrieves the enrollment documents for a given user. The enrollments documents

would contain the primary keys for the user and course documents being referenced. The populate() function tells

mongoose to use the value of the primary keys to fetch the actual document referenced by the key. The populate("course")

function replaces the course primary key value in the enrollments document with the actual course document from the

courses collection corresponding to the key's value. The enrollments.map() operation unwraps the enrollments array and

returns a new array with just the course objects.


import model from "./model.js";

export async function findCoursesForUser(userId) {

const enrollments = await model.find({ user: userId }).populate("course");

return enrollments.map((enrollment) => enrollment.course);



In the Users routes, implement a route function findCoursesForUser to retrieves courses for a given user. First make sure

there's a logged in user. If the logged in user's role is ADMIN, then respond with all the courses. Use the user's ID to

retrieve the user's courses using the findCoursesForUser in the DAO implemented above.


import * as dao from "./dao.js";

import * as courseDao from "../Courses/dao.js";

import * as enrollmentsDao from "../Enrollments/dao.js";

export default function UserRoutes(app) {

const findCoursesForUser = async (req, res) => {

const currentUser = req.session["currentUser"];

if (!currentUser) {




if (currentUser.role === "ADMIN") {

const courses = await courseDao.findAllCourses();




let { uid } = req.params;

if (uid === "current") {

uid = currentUser._id;


const courses = await enrollmentsDao.findCoursesForUser(uid);



app.get("/api/users/:uid/courses", findCoursesForUser);


In the React.js project, create findCoursesForUser() client function to request the courses for a given user ID.


import axios from "axios";

const axiosWithCredentials = axios.create({ withCredentials: true });

export const REMOTE_SERVER = process.env.REACT_APP_REMOTE_SERVER;

export const USERS_API = `${REMOTE_SERVER}/api/users`;

export const findCoursesForUser = async (userId: string) => {

const response = await axiosWithCredentials.get(`${USERS_API}/${userId}/courses`);

return response.data;


In the Kanbas root component, implement an enrolling boolean state variable that toggles true/false to either display all

courses or only the courses the current user is enrolled in. Implement event handler functions findCoursesForUser and

fetchCourses as shown below to only fetch the courses a user is enrolled in or, also fetch all the courses. If enrolling, use

both sets of courses to toggle an enrolled flag in the courses that can be used to display an Enroll/Unenroll button for

each course. Pass enrolling and setEnrolling to the Dashboard so that it knows how to render the courses.


import { useSelector } from "react-redux";

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

import * as courseClient from "./Courses/client";

import * as userClient from "./Account/client";

export default function Kanbas() {

const { currentUser } = useSelector((state: any) => state.accountReducer);

const [courses, setCourses] = useState<any[]>([]);

const [enrolling, setEnrolling] = useState<boolean>(false);

const findCoursesForUser = async () => {

try {

const courses = await userClient.findCoursesForUser(currentUser._id);


} catch (error) {




const fetchCourses = async () => {

try {

const allCourses = await courseClient.fetchAllCourses();

const enrolledCourses = await userClient.findCoursesForUser(



const courses = allCourses.map((course: any) => {

if (enrolledCourses.find((c: any) => c._id === course._id)) {

return { ...course, enrolled: true };

} else {

return course;




} catch (error) {





useEffect(() => {

if (enrolling) {


} else {



}, [currentUser, enrolling]);


return (


<Dashboard courses={courses} course={course} setCourse={setCourse}

addNewCourse={addNewCourse} deleteCourse={deleteCourse} updateCourse={updateCourse}enrolling={enrolling} setEnrolling={setEnrolling}/>



In the Dashboard screen, use the enrolling and setEnrolling to implement a new button that toggles the enrolling boolean

state variable. If enrolling is true, show a Enroll/Unenroll button for each course. If the enrolled flag is true, show

Unenrolled and Enroll otherwise.



export default function Dashboard({ ..., enrolling, setEnrolling }

: { ...; enrolling: boolean; setEnrolling: (enrolling: boolean) => void;}) {

const { currentUser } = useSelector((state: any) => state.accountReducer);


return (

<div id="wd-dashboard">

<h1 id="wd-dashboard-title">


<button onClick={() => setEnrolling(!enrolling)} className="float-end btn btn-primary" >

{enrolling ? "My Courses" : "All Courses"}




{courses.map((course) => (


<div className="card-body">

<h5 className="wd-dashboard-course-title card-title">

{enrolling && (

<button className={`btn ${ course.enrolled ? "btn-danger" : "btn-success" } float-end`} >

{course.enrolled ? "Unenroll" : "Enroll"}












5.3.3 Enrolling / Unenrolling

In the Enrollments DAO, implement enrollUserInCourse and unenrollUserFromCourse functions as shown below. The

enrollUserInCourse function inserts a new enrollment document in the enrollments collection creating a relation between

a user and the course they are enrolled in. The unenrollUserFromCourse function deletes an existing enrollment document

from the enrollments collection, removing the relation between a user and the course they were enrolled in.


import model from "./model.js";

export async function findCoursesForUser(userId) {

const enrollments = await model.find({ user: userId }).populate("course");

return enrollments.map((enrollment) => enrollment.course);


export function enrollUserInCourse(user, course) {

return model.create({ user, course });


export function unenrollUserFromCourse(user, course) {

return model.deleteOne({ user, course });


In the Users routes implement post and delete routes that create or removes an enrollment using the corresponding DAO


import * as enrollmentsDao from "../Enrollments/dao.js";

export default function UserRoutes(app) {

const findCoursesForUser = async (req, res) => { ... };

const enrollUserInCourse = async (req, res) => {

let { uid, cid } = req.params;

if (uid === "current") {

const currentUser = req.session["currentUser"];

uid = currentUser._id;


const status = await enrollmentsDao.enrollUserInCourse(uid, cid);



const unenrollUserFromCourse = async (req, res) => {

let { uid, cid } = req.params;

if (uid === "current") {

const currentUser = req.session["currentUser"];

uid = currentUser._id;


const status = await enrollmentsDao.unenrollUserFromCourse(uid, cid);



app.post("/api/users/:uid/courses/:cid", enrollUserInCourse);

app.delete("/api/users/:uid/courses/:cid", unenrollUserFromCourse);

app.get("/api/users/:uid/courses", findCoursesForUser);



In the React.js application, create client functions enrollIntoCourse and unenrollFromCourse that request the server to

enroll or unenroll a user from a course. Encode the primary keys of the user and course as part of the path.


import axios from "axios";

const axiosWithCredentials = axios.create({ withCredentials: true });

export const REMOTE_SERVER = process.env.REACT_APP_REMOTE_SERVER;

export const USERS_API = `${REMOTE_SERVER}/api/users`;

export const findCoursesForUser = async (userId: string) => { ... }

export const enrollIntoCourse = async (userId: string, courseId: string) => {

const response = await axiosWithCredentials.post(`${USERS_API}/${userId}/courses/${courseId}`);

return response.data;


export const unenrollFromCourse = async (userId: string, courseId: string) => {

const response = await axiosWithCredentials.delete(`${USERS_API}/${userId}/courses/${courseId}`);

return response.data;


In the Kanbas root component, implement updateEnrollment() event handler which calls the client functions

enrollIntoCourse or unenrollFromCourse based on whether enrolled is true of false, as shown below. Pass the

updateEnrollment() function to the Dashboard screen.


import * as userClient from "./Account/client";

export default function Kanbas() {

const { currentUser } = useSelector((state: any) => state.accountReducer);

const [enrolling, setEnrolling] = useState<boolean>(false);

const findCoursesForUser = async () => { ... };

const updateEnrollment = async (courseId: string, enrolled: boolean) => {

if (enrolled) {

await userClient.enrollIntoCourse(currentUser._id, courseId);

} else {

await userClient.unenrollFromCourse(currentUser._id, courseId);



courses.map((course) => {

if (course._id === courseId) {

return { ...course, enrolled: enrolled };

} else {return course;





const fetchCourses = async () => { ... }


useEffect(() => { ... }


return (


<Dashboard courses={courses} course={course} setCourse={setCourse}

addNewCourse={addNewCourse} deleteCourse={deleteCourse} updateCourse={updateCourse}

enrolling={enrolling} setEnrolling={setEnrolling} updateEnrollment={updateEnrollment}/>



In the Dashboard screen implement an onClick event handler that calls updateEnrollment() with the course's ID and

toggles the course's enrolled flag, causing the user to enroll or unenroll accordingly. Confirm that users can enroll and

unenroll from any course.



export default function Dashboard({ ..., enrolling, setEnrolling, updateEnrollment }

: { ...; enrolling: boolean; setEnrolling: (enrolling: boolean) => void;

updateEnrollment: (courseId: string, enrolled: boolean) => void }) {

const { currentUser } = useSelector((state: any) => state.accountReducer);


return (

<div id="wd-dashboard">


{courses.map((course) => (


<div className="card-body">

<h5 className="wd-dashboard-course-title card-title">

{enrolling && (

<button onClick={(event) => {


updateEnrollment(course._id, !course.enrolled);


className={`btn ${ course.enrolled ? "btn-danger" : "btn-success" } float-end`} >

{course.enrolled ? "Unenroll" : "Enroll"}












5.3.4 Enrolling the Author

When a user creates a course, they should be automatically be enrolled in the course, otherwise they would not see the

course in their Dashboard when they signin. In the Courses routes, in the route that creates new courses, use the IDs of the

signed in user and the new course to enroll the user in the new course. Use the code below as a guide. Confirm that users

that create courses are enrolled in the new course.


import * as enrollmentsDao from "../Enrollments/dao.js";

export default function CourseRoutes(app) {

app.post("/api/courses", async (req, res) => {const course = await dao.createCourse(req.body);

const currentUser = req.session["currentUser"];

if (currentUser) {

await enrollmentsDao.enrollUserInCourse(currentUser._id, course._id);




5.3.5 Retrieving a Course's Students (On Your Own)

The Users screen implement earlier uses the PeopleTable to display all the users in the database. The People route

implemented earlier under the Courses screen, should display the users in the current course. Reimplement the People

route so that the PeopleTable only displays the users that are enrolled in a particular course when navigating to the People

link. In the Courses routes use the enrollments DAO findUsersForCourse function to retrieve the users enrolled in a course.


import * as enrollmentsDao from "../Enrollments/dao.js";

export default function CourseRoutes(app) {

const findUsersForCourse = async (req, res) => {

const { cid } = req.params;

const users = await enrollmentsDao.findUsersForCourse(cid);



app.get("/api/courses/:cid/users", findUsersForCourse);



In Courses client implement findUsersForCourse() client function to retrieve the users for a given course. Use the Courses

routes and client to display the users enrolled in a course when navigating to a course's People route.


import axios from "axios";

const axiosWithCredentials = axios.create({ withCredentials: true });


const COURSES_API = `${REMOTE_SERVER}/api/courses`;

export const findUsersForCourse = async (courseId: string) => {

const response = await axios.get(`${COURSES_API}/${courseId}/users`);

return response.data;


5.4 Assignments (On Your Own)

Implement schema, model, DAO, routes, and client files so that the Assignments and AssignmentsEditor screens display

assignments stored in a database. Users should be able to display assignments in a course, create new assignments,

update assignments, and delete existing assignments.

6 Deliverables

As a deliverable, make sure you complete all the lab exercises, mongoose schemas, models, DAOs, React components,

and they behave as described. For both the React and Node repositories, all your work should be done in a branch called

a6. When done, add, commit and push both branches to their respective GitHub repositories. Deploy the new branches to

Netlify and Render (or Heroku) and confirm they integrate. If you are using Render, it does not create a separate branch

deployment like Netlify so you'll have to deploy to an entirely different Web service so that you don't trample the previousassignment while the TAs are still grading. The Node server application running on Render will need to be configured to

interact with the a6 Netlify branch deployment. All the exercises should work remotely just as well as locally. The Kanbas

Dashboard should display the courses and modules from the database. As a deliverable in Canvas, submit the URL to the

a6 branch deployment of your React.js application running on Netlify.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/BUS001/p/18588295


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