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create null printer

时间:2024-12-05 17:42:57浏览次数:8  
标签:printer create Step nul Printer New null Port


 came across something I never expected to need to do. I needed to create a printer that wouldn’t print. So here is how I did it.

Step 1: Create a New Printer

Go into devices and printers and create a new local printer.

Step 2: Create a New Port


Create a new Local Port.

For the Port name enter “nul” without the quotes

Step 3: Select a Printer Driver

Then choose your printer driver. Since this printer won’t print anything you can use any pre-installed printer and driver.

I used a Lexmark printer that was already installed on my system

Step 4: Name the Printer

Use a descriptive name like “The Black Hole” or “The Toilet”

don’t share the printer (unless you want to)

Step 5: Printing to this printer

Now you will have a normal looking printer that will act like any other printer with one difference.

Because it has a nul port it will simply flush the print jobs from the queue and report that it successfully printed to the software sending the job without ever physically printing a page.


This is a simple solution to what was a large problem in my current environment (due to a software restriction). I hope it helps someone else also


Setting Up a Windows Nul Port

The Windows nul port (“nul” with a single letter ‘L’) is easily attached to a Windows print queue:

  1. Bring up the Printer Properties for the print queue in question.
  2. Select the Ports tab > then click Add Port….
  3. Choose Local Port > click on New Port… > enter nul as the port name.
  4. Click OK > then Close > then Apply, and you’re done!

For example:

  • On newer Windows versions: head into Bluetooth and devices → Printers and scanners → [select your printer] → Printer Properties → Ports → Add Port… → Local Port → New Port… → enter nul → OK → Close → Apply

  • On older Windows versions: head into Devices and Printers → Right-click Printer → Printer Properties → Ports → Add Port… → Local Port → New Port… → enter nul → OK → Close → Apply

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/jchblog/p/18589065


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